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编辑:深巷幽兰 识别码:24-826382 15号文库 发布时间: 2023-12-06 19:05:12 来源:网络


1、此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。(This moment will nap, you will have a dream;But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.)

2、我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。(I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.)

3、觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。(Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.)

4、勿将今日之事拖到明日。(Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow.)

5、学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。(Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain islife-long.)

6、学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。(Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.)

7、幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。(Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.)

8、学习并不是人生的全部。但,既然连人生的一部分——学习也无法征服,还能做什么呢?(The study certainly is not the life complete.But, since continually life part of-studies also is unable to conquer, what butalso can make?)

9、请享受无法回避的痛苦。(Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.)

10、只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。(only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, canfeel the successful taste.)

11、谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。(Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thoroughself-control and the will.)

12、时间在流逝。(The time is passing.)

13、现在流的口水,将成为明天的眼泪。(Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear.)

14、狗一样地学,绅士一样地玩。(The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays.)

15、今天不走,明天要跑。(Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.)

16、投资未来的人是,忠于现实的人。(The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the realityperson.)

17、教育程度代表收入。(The education level represents the income.)

18、一天过完,不会再来。(one day, has not been able again to come.)

19、即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。(Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page.)

20、没有艰辛,便无所得。(Has not been difficult, then does not have attains'.)21.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《阿甘正传》

22.this path has been placed before you.The choice is yours alone.路就在你脚下,你自己决定。《星球大战-首部曲》

23.I’m only brave when I have to be.我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢 24.Everything that has a begin has an end.世间万物有始皆有终。《黑客帝国》 25.You can ’ t change the past.过去的事是不可以改变的。《狮子王》

26.Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。《阿甘正传》

27.With great power there must come great responsibility —— SPIDER-MAN有了多大的能力就会有多大的责任。《蜘蛛侠》

28.If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?(冬天来了,春天还会远吗?)29..Never look down on yourself.(永远不要小看自己。)31.Where there is a will ,there is a way.(有志者事竟成。)32.Well begun is half done(好的开始是成功的一半。)33.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。

34.All things in their being are good for something.· 天生我才必有用。

35.Every man is his own worst enemy.(一个人最大的敌人就是他自 己。)36.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人与海》

37.One meets its destiny onthe road he takes to avoid it..People can't do something by themselves;they wanna tell you you can not do it.当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。38.You have a dream, you got to protect it.如果你有梦想,就要守护它。39.You want something.Go get it!


40.Don't try so hard ,the best things come when you least except them to.(不要着急,最好的总是在不经意间出现.)

41.Miracles happen everyday.(奇迹每天都在发生)42.After all ,tomorrow is another day.(无论如何,明天又是新的一天.)41.You can’t change the past.过去的事是不可以改变的 43.Well,nobody's perfect.人无完人

44.We’re women.Our choices are never easy.我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。

45.I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.人生可以归结为一种简单的选择:不是忙着活,就是忙着死。

46.Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.不要让任何人知道你在想什么

47.The past will always come and we will accept it.该来的总归会来,来了我们就接受它。——海格

48.When we in the face of darkness and death, we fear that is unknown, in addition, no other.49.当我们在面对黑暗和死亡的时候,我们害怕的只是未知,除此之外,没有别的--------------<哈利 波特> Harry Potter 50.It made me look likea duckn.in water.它让我如鱼得水。

51.We're the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.我们是真他妈的走运极了.(地道的美国国骂

52.There is nothing Icouldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me.Open you're heart to me.如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以.把你的心交给我吧.53.To make each daycount.要让每一天都有所值。

54.I don't want to be someone that you're settling for.I don't want to be someone that anyone settles for.我不想要你将就,我也不想成为将就的对象 55.Maybe the part that knows the waking fron the dream maybe isn t here(brain)maybe it s here(heart).可能从梦幻中醒来的部分,不是在脑海里,而是在心上。——《A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵》

56.In memory, love lives forever.My darling I’m waiting for you.爱在记忆里永生,亲爱的,我在这里等你。

57.Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.人一生中出人头地的机会不多,一旦有了一定要抓住机会!

《游子吟》 作者:孟 郊 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

岑参:白雪歌送武判官归京 北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪。忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。

王湾:次北固山下 客路青山外,行舟绿水前。潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。海日生残夜,江春入旧年。乡书何处达?归雁洛阳边。

《登鹳雀楼》 作者:王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。《黄鹤楼》作者:崔颢 昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。《登乐游原》 作者:李商隐 向晚意不适,驱车登古原。夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。《关山月》 作者:李白 明月出天山,苍茫云海间。长风几万里,吹度玉门关。汉下白登道,胡窥青海湾。由来征战地,不见有人还。戍客望边色,思归多苦颜。高楼当此夜,叹息未应闲。

《送杜少府之任蜀州》 作者:王勃 城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。与君离别意,同是宦游人。海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在岐路,儿女共沾巾

《春望》作者:杜 甫 国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。

《终南别业》 作者:王 维 中岁颇好道,晚家南山陲。兴来每独往,胜事空自知。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。偶然值林叟,谈笑无还期。《凉州词》作者:王翰 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。

《望庐山瀑布》 作者:李白 日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。

《早发白帝城》作者:李白 朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。

《枫桥夜泊》作者:张继 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。

《出塞》作者:王昌龄 秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马渡阴山。

《渭城曲》作者:王维 渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。

《出塞》作者:王之涣 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。

《咏柳》 作者:贺知章 碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

《清明》 作者: 杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。

《山行》 作者:杜牧 远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。

《题都城南庄》 作者:崔护 去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。

《鹿柴》(王维)空山不见人,但闻人语响。返景入深林, 复照青苔上 宋词

浣溪沙--晏殊 一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。夕阳西下几时回? 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊。

蝶恋花--柳永 伫倚危楼风细细。望极春愁,黯黯生天际。草色烟光残照里,无言谁会凭阑意。拟把疏狂图一醉。对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。水调歌头-苏轼

明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮[qǐ]户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。


朝代:先秦 作者:孟子及其弟子畎(quǎn)傅说(fù yuè)胶鬲(gé)


故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。(是人 一作:斯人)




1、Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好!

2、Never forget to say “thanks”.永远不要忘了说“谢谢”!

3、Keep on going never give up.勇往直前,决不放弃!

4、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

5、Believe in yourself.相信你自己!

6、I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!

7、Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言语!

8、Never say die.永不气馁!

9、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日毕!

10、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

11、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.Once time is wasted, life is wasted.你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。

12、Knowledge can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.知识改变命运,英语成就未来。

13、Dont aim for success if you want it;just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

14、Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。

15、Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。

16、Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

17、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

18、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。

19、Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.君王发狂,百姓遭殃。

20、Kings have long arms.普天之下,莫非王土。

21、Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

21、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

22、Learn and live.活着,为了学习。

23、Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.好人越学越好,坏人越学越坏。

24、Learn not and know not.不学无术。

25、Learn to walk before you run.先学走,再学跑。

26、Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。

27、Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹麻烦。

28、Let the cat out of the bag.泄漏天机。

29、Lies can never changes fact.谎言终究是谎言。

30、Lies have short legs.谎言站不长。

31、Life is but a span.人生苦短。

32、Life is half spent before we know what it is.人过半生,方知天命。

33、Life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。

34、Life without a friend is death.没有朋友,虽生犹死。

35、Like a rat in a hole.瓮中之鳖。

36、Like author, like book.文如其人。

37、Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。

38、Like for like.一报还一报。

39、Like knows like.惺惺相惜。

40、Like mother, like daughter.有其母必有其女。

1、There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

2、Time lost cannot be won again.时光流逝,不可复得。

3、The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。

4、The pen is mightier than the sword.笔能杀人。

5、Truth never grows old.真理永存。

6、The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

7、Too much familiarity breeds contempt.过分熟悉会使人互不服气。

8、When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入国问禁,入乡随俗。

9、Too much praise is a burden.过多夸奖,反成负担。

10、The leopard cannot change its spots.本性难移。

11、Wealth is nothing without health.失去健康,钱再多也没用。

12、Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待。

13、There is no place like home.金窝银窝不如咱的狗窝。

14、To err is human.人非圣贤,孰能无过。

15、When everybodys somebody then nobodys anybody.人人都伟大,世间没豪杰。

16、Things at the worst will mend.否极泰来。

17、The more wit, the less courage.初生牛犊不怕虎。

18、The style is the man.字如其人。

19、Walls have ears.小心隔墙有耳。

20、There are two sides to every question.问题皆有两面。

21、Two of a trade seldom agree.同行是冤家。

22、The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。

23、We know not what is good until we have lost it.好东西,失去了才明白。

24、The world is but a little place, after all.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

25、The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑百步。

26、Time cures all things.时间是医治一切创伤的良药。

27、We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received.自己的好事别去提,别人的恩惠要铭记。

28、The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.人言可畏。

29、The first step is the only difficulty.迈出第一步是最艰难的。

30、There is kindness to be found everywhere.人间处处有温情。

31、Wash your dirty linen at home.家丑不可外扬。

32、The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。

33、There is a skeleton in the cupboard.家家有本难念的经。

34、Turn over a new leaf.洗心革面,改过自新。

35、The end justifies the means.只要目的正当,可以不择手段。

36、Unity is strength.团结就是力量。

37、The higher up, the greater the fall.爬得高,摔得惨。

38、Tit for tat is fair play.人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人。

39、What we do willingly is easy.愿者不难。

40、The eye is bigger than the belly.贪多嚼不烂。

41、To know oneself is true progress.人贵有自知之明。

42、Unpleasant advice is a good medicine.忠言逆耳利于行。

43、Two wrongs do not make a right.别人错了,不等于你对了。

44、Until all is over ones ambition never dies.不到黄河心不死。

45、The finest diamond must be cut.玉不琢,不成器。

46、The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man.烈火验真金,艰难磨意志。

47、Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.滴水穿石。

48、Wet behind the ears.乳臭未干。

49、Time flies.光阴似箭。Time is money.时间就是金钱。

50、Tomorrow never comes.我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。

51、Too much liberty spills all.自由放任,一事无成。

52、Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋。

53、The greatest talkers are always least doers.语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。

54、Time tries all.路遥知马力,日久见人心。

55、Too much knowledge makes the head bald.学问太多催人老。

56、There are spots in the sun.太阳也有黑点。

57、The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down.世界如阶梯,有人上有人下。

58、The devil sometimes speaks the truth.魔鬼有时也会说真话。

59、The die is cast.木已成舟。

60、To save time is to lengthen life.节约时间就是延长生命。

61、The fox preys farthest from home.兔子不吃窝边草。

62、What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.儿时所学,终生难忘。

63、To know everything is to know nothing.什么都知道,一如什么都不知道。

64、The end makes all equal.死亡面前,人人平等。

65、The darkest place is under the candlestick.烛台底下最暗。

66、Time past cannot be called back again.时间不能倒流。

67、Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。

68、The fox knew too much, thats how he lost his tail.机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。

69、Troubles never come singly.福无双至,祸不单行。

70、Think twice before you do.三思而后行。

71、Well begun is half done.好的开始,是成功的一半。

72、We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault.欲求完美无缺的朋友必然成为孤家寡人。

73、Whats done cannot be undone.生米煮成熟饭了。

74、The farthest way about is the nearest way home.抄近路反而绕远路。

75、The grass is greener on the other side.这山望着那山高。

76、The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all.清者自清,浊者自浊。

77、We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水可贵。

78、The outsider sees the most of the game.旁观者清。

79、The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.坐井观天。

80、Two heads are better than one.一个好汉三个帮。

81、There is no medicine against death.没有长生不老药。

82、Virtue is fairer far than beauty.美德远远胜过美貌。

83、Whats lost is lost.失者不可复得。

84、There is no general rule without some exception.任何法规均有例外。

85、Venture a small fish to catch a great one.吃小亏占大便宜。

86、When sorrow is asleep, wake it not.伤心旧事别重提。

87、The devil knows many things because he is old.老马识途。

88、he darkest hour is nearest the dawn.黎明前的黑暗。

89、Whatever you do, do with all your might.不管做什么,都要一心一意。(www.teniu.cce, they come not single spies, but in battalions.新仇旧恨,齐上心头。




1.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

2.Experience is the mother of wisdom.实践出真知。

3..Facts speak plainer than words.事实胜于雄辩

4.Action speaks louder than words.行动胜过语言


1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。Where there is life,there is hope.生命不息,希望长在Early bird catches the worm.捷足先登3 No pains, o gains.不劳无获From small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小)No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹


1.One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬之千里。

2.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下

3..Look before you leap.三思而后行

4.Caution is the parent of safety.谨慎为安全之本,小心驶得万年船


1..More haste less speed.欲速则不达。

2.Rome was not built in a day.伟业非一日之功;罗马并非一日可建成;坚持必成坚持

Success belongs to the persevering.胜利属于坚忍不拔的人

Perseverance is the only road to success.不屈不挠是取得胜利的唯一道路

Constant dropping wears the stone.滴水不绝可穿石

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人 自信,自立,自强

God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。


Tomorrow is another day.Every cloud has a silver lining.黑暗中总有一丝光明。

Take it as it comes.既来之则安之

When one door shuts, another opens.天无绝人之路


A fall into the pit,gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。


A rolling stone gathers no moss.性格好动,见异思迁者,终无所获


Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。


He that falls today may be up again tomorrow.今天跌倒的人也许明天就会站起。Adversity leads to prosperity.困苦通向昌盛

Misfortunes never(seldom)come alone(single).祸不单行。

Misfortune is a good teacher.不幸是良好的教师。

Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.恶运临头后,才知幸运贵

Life is not all roses.人生并非康庄大道,并非尽善尽美

Never say die.永不言败


All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

It’s never too old to learn.活到老,学到老

To live is to learn; to learn is to better live.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今天的事情今天做

There is no royal road to learning.学无坦途; 书山有路勤为径,学海无边苦作舟


.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance.无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。All that glitters is not gold.闪光的未必都是金子

.Its not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.君子在德不在衣

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.人或事物的名称并不重要,重要的是本质 美德

Virtue is its own reward.美德本身就是回报 One good turn deserves another.善须善报;要以德报德 人生观

live not to eat,but eat to live.活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着


A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情


Two heads are better than one.两人智慧胜过一人

United we stand, pided we fall.合则成,分则倒

Union is strength.团结就是力量

Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高


To err is human;to forgive, pine.犯错者人,宽恕者神

Forgive and forget.既往不咎


Pride goes before a fall.骄傲使人失败。


Honesty is the best policy.诚信乃上策也。


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.抓紧时间,莫失良机

Time flies.光阴似箭

Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待

Lost time is never found again.岁月既往,一去不回

Seize the day, seize the hour.只争朝夕

Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁,良机勿失

Make hey while the sun shines.Opportunities favor those who are prepared.实事求是

Call a spade a spade.阅读的重要性

Reading is to mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动健身


Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

well begun is half done.好的开始等于成功的一半。

It is hard to please all.众口难调。Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不念。

First things first.凡事有轻重缓急。

East or west, home is the best.金窝银窝不如自家草窝。

When in Rome do as Romans do.入乡随俗。

As the tree, so the fruit./ As you sow, you shall sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马,殊途同归

He who laughs last laughs longest.别高兴得太早

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.只有到手的东西才是实在的。

You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.学东西得趁年轻

Charity begins at home.行善始于家。

Don’t put the cart before the horse.不可本末倒置

It’s no use crying over spilt milk./ What’s done cannot be undone.覆水难收

You cannot eat your cake and have it.鱼与熊掌,不可兼得

A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口

Still waters run deep.静水流深,大智若愚


Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two.(A.Lowell)生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上自己的一两句话。(洛威尔)

Life is a palette;you put colors on it.(生活是调色板,每个人自己在上面加上颜色)

On earth there is nothing great but man;in the man there is nothing great but mind.(A.Hamilton)地球上唯一伟大的是人,人身上唯一伟大的是心灵。(哈密尔顿)

Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas.(Chekhov)人的一切——面貌、衣着、心灵和思想,都应该是美好的。(契诃夫)

Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.(S.Butler)生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的结论。(巴特勒)

Life is not all beer and skittles.(T.Hughes)人生并非只是吃喝玩乐。(休斯)

Ideas are like the stars---we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.(C.Schurz)理想就象是星星——我们永远无法到达,但是我们象水手一样,用它们指引航程。(舒尔茨)

I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.(E.B.Browning)我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的。(勃郎宁夫人)

Nothing in life is to be feared.It is only to be understood.(Marie Curie)生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。(居里夫人)

A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.(J.Barrymore)只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔)

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.(C.M.Schwab)只要有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。(施瓦布)

One thing I know: The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.(A.Schweizer)有一点我是知道的:在你们之中,只有那些愿意寻求发现如何为别人服务的人,才是真正幸福的。(施韦策)乖乖很有点伟大领袖毛主席他老 人家的口气亚!

The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.(Goethe)人生重要的在于确立一个伟大的目标,并有决心使其实现。(歌德)



Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there witha sign.2.世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。A Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.3.世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.4.是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.5.无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass whoshakes her head and laughs and flies away.6.如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7.跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么?The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancingwater.Will you carry the burden of their lameness?8.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.9.有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。


Once we dreamt that we were strangers.We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.10.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.11.有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着潺(氵爰)的乐声。

Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.12.“海水呀,你说的是什么?”




What language is thine, O sea?

The language of eternal question.What language is thy answer, O sky?

The language of eternal silence.13.静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。

Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes

love to you.14.创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗--是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great.Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.15.不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。

Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.16.我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.17.这些微(风思),是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。

There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves;they have their whisper of joy in my mind.18.你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。

What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.19.神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master.Let me but listen.20.我不能选择那最好的。


I cannot choose the best.The best chooses me.21.那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。

They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.22.我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。

That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.23.“我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?”“我不过是一朵花。” We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?“ I am a mere flower.Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love.34.枯竭的河床,并不感谢它的过去。

The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.35.鸟儿愿为一朵云。


The cloud wishes it were a bird.36.瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了。”

The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.“



I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence.It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.很抱歉,因为您在网易相册发布了违规信息,账号被屏蔽。被屏蔽期间他人无法访问您的相册。


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Patience is the art of hoping.耐心是对希望的守候。

Each soul is inpidual and has its own merits and faults.每一个灵魂都是独特的,都有各自的美德和过错。《摆渡人》 It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say.人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程。《加勒比海盗》

Take a method and try it.If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another.But by all means, try something.找到方法去尝试。如果失败了,坦然接受,尝试另外一种方法。但是无论如何,要去尝试。(Franklin D.Roosevelt——富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福,美国第32任总统,唯一一个连任超过两届的总统,共连任四届。是迄今为止美国在任时间最长的总统。)

励志英语:Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所模糊,被惰性所消磨.In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.当我对敌人了解到足以让我打败他,那个时候,我也爱他。《安德的游戏》 Growing old is mandatory;growing up is optional.变老是注定的,而成长却是可以选择的。(Chili Davis)

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大.(Bob Marley)

It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.往往在最黑暗的夜空里,我们看到最闪亮的星星。(Richard Evans)

Weep not for roads untraveled.Weep not for paths left alone 'cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end.不要因未走过的旅途而哭泣,不要因错过的道路而伤心,因为每条岔路,都通向炫目的尽头。(Linkin Park)
