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编辑:玄霄绝艳 识别码:24-682557 15号文库 发布时间: 2023-09-08 16:32:24 来源:网络




一,作文基本框架: 开头段落3-4句




结尾段落:结尾客套句 + 结尾总结句 + 结尾延伸句


 开头段:现象引入句 + 他人观点对比句 + 自己主题句 句型总结: 1 引入句:

Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic that… When asked about …

Recently, there is a general debate on whether…

Should …? Opinions to this attitude vary greatly from person to person.There is no denying the fact that…

The 年代

saw an unprecedented tide of ….As more people focus on … sth has begun to draw more and more attention from the public.In recent years, …… This phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy.他人观点对比句:

The majority of people believe that… while others regard that… A number people claim that… while some others argue that… 表明自己立场句:

Weighing up these two arguments, I am in favor of… For my part,…

As for me,…

I am in favor of the view that… Personally,…

 中间段落发展句型: 1 阐释原因句型: 现象原因组合句:

The latest surveys indicate that ….There are several reasons accounting for this occurrence.For one thing,…..For another,….In addition, ….单独解释原因句:

…..for the simplest reason that … Due to ….引出理由或者论据句: The reasons for my views mainly lie in the following … aspects.There exist certain factors accounting for my views.举例论证说明句:

There are numerous examples supporting this argument.,, is a typical example of… A good case in point is …

A good example to illustrate is….For another example, …..说明好处或影响 4.1 引出好处或影响:

Undoubtedly, … can benefit a lot from No doubt, … have brought us great convenience and pleasure.It is obvious that ….is favorable to…

4.2 列举好处或影响:

It provides more people with….It/They broaden… and cultivate their….Moreover, … tends to bring some unexpected surprise, such as… Besides, it helps strengthen… and enhance… 说明危害 5.1 引出危害:

…have brought about considerable negative effects on… … bring great harm to…

However, the use of … is extremely harmful in many ways.… are likely to lead to very serious results.It suffers from the disadvantage that…

5.2 列举危害:

… puts a heaven burden on…

… too much, which is unfavorable to… … which migh mislead…

… which brings more difficulties for…

… not only work against other interests but also does harm to himself.Even worse, … might lose control of…

… have killed …, destroyed…., and wiped out ….If ….., … will suffer great losses and might lose… , which in turn influence….… are so induldged in… that….… are so addicted to….That

 结尾段落句型

结尾客套句 + 结尾总结句 + 结尾延伸句


From what has been discussed above,we may reasonably arrived at the conclusion that….Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably arrived at the conclusion that….Judging from all evidence offered,we may reasonably arrived at the conclusion that….结尾总结句:


结尾延伸句: 说明方法或者建议句: 1.1 引出方法 But then how to….The following measures can be taken to ….Therefore, it’s high time that we took effective measures to …

Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is necessary that we college students….1.2 具体阐述方法和建议

First, …..should…., which is the precondition of….Second, ….is an effective way to…..In addition, … is indispensable to…

Besides, more….should be trained and more….should be built up so as to….To… is not an easy task.And it requires the concerted efforts of all….There is no immediate solution to the problem of….But …might be quite helpful and beneficial.No easy method can solve the prolem of….in short time.But the ….might be the first step on the right way.警示句:

If we ignore the problem, it is very likely that…

No doubt, if we can’t change/control/improve the situation, there is every chance that ….We must search for a quick action, because the current situation of …, if permitted to continue, will surely lead to the end/heavy cost of…

Therefore, … is not a necessity, but a must.便条 熟记格式和扣分点 日期写法:

• 月份写法:除五、六、七月外,均可用简写: • Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.• 日期最一般的写法是: • “月,日(基数),年 • 例Dec.15, 2003

• 若有星期则加在最前面 称呼写法:

• 对一定社会距离,不熟悉的人:

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear President, Dear Mr.Smith • 对相识的人: •

Dear Shirley 结尾客套语:

• 和正文隔开1-2行 • 位置偏右 • 后加逗号 • 礼貌程度:

• 正式的:Faithfully yours, Truly yours, • 一般情况: Yours, 卷面布局:

• 向右靠:时间,结尾客套语,署名 • 向左靠:称呼

• 中心:建议段首空四个字符,两端对齐 • 结尾客套语和署名不能写在同一行 各个应用功能

2.1邀请,拒绝,建议,2.2祝贺,安慰,询问 2.3道歉,致谢,请求 2.4通知,广告,启事 2.5请假,留言,推荐




At present, people become more cautious when they meet strangers, let alone to help them.Trust between person is at stake.Offer your idea about such a phenomenon and your suggestions to make a change.On Aiding Strangers


You are invited to attend a friend’s birthday party.Write a note to your friend, Mike, explaining briefly why you cannot take part in it and give him your best wishes.2.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Nowadays Internet is revolutinizing our globe and greatly facilitating our modern life.As a matter of fact, we can do almost everything on the Net, including shopping.However, people take different attitudes towards the new way of shopping.What do you think of it?

Shopping on the Net


Emerson’s paper ranks on the top and earns fame for the English department.Write a note to him on behalf of the department, expressing the appreciation and good wishes to him.3.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

It is a popular phenomenon that nowadays some houses in China are labeled with foreign names and some traditional Chinese houses are demolished for the new foreign ones.Analyzing the possible reasons and the consequences of such a phenomenon.Foreign Names for Chinese Houses


You just got recovered from illness.Write a note to your partner, Jason, expressing your appreciation to his care and great help.4.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Job-hunting is a tough challenge to the graduates.Someone says graduation means the coming of unemployment.Provide your opinion on such a phenomenon and give some advice for such a dilemma.Graduation, Synonym of Unemployment?


You have got in trouble in your computer installment.Write a note to your friend, Roger, describe briefly what it is and ask him to give you a hand.5.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Now many universities are asking their students to evaluate their teachers.Many students are excited at this, but some teachers seem to hold different opinions.What’s your opinion?

Should Teachers Be Evaluated by Students?


A College English Speech Contest is to be held in the city.You want to take part in it.Write a note to Mr.Brown, inquiring the details about the contest and procedure.6.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Career planning is an important step for graduates, and it is of great importance.Offer your idea about it.Some of the tips and potential flaws must be included in your composition.Career Planning


Your friend Steven has been enrolled by Yale University.Write a note to congratulate him, expressing your happiness and admiration for him.7.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Nowadays tourism is more and more indispensable to people’s life.But which way is a better choice: joining package tour or travelling on your own?

Which Do You Prefer: Joining Package Tours or Travelling on Your Own?


Your friend just failed in a contest and was very sad.Write a note to your friend, Allan, comforting and encouraging him not to lose heart and make further success.8.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

A scholar’s professional ethics is essential to his career and in a sense determines his contribution to the public.What does the professional ethics really mean, and what is its importance to a scholar?

My Idea of Professional Ethics for a Scholar


You are informed that your friend Lily has failed her final examination and is very frustrated now.Write a note to Lily, offering some suggestions and try to cheer her up.9.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Some people argue that athletes, while playing games, should adhere to the principle “Friendship first, competition second”, but others are against this view.They think that “Playing a game is fun when you win.” What is your opinion?

Playing a game is fun when you win


You have found a book in the dining hall;write a “Lost and Found” note.10.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

More and more adult students are renting flats to live away from campus, and some of them are students lovers.Some students think it unacceptable, but others think it OK.What’s your opinion?

On Cohabitation of Student Lovers


Write a note to Tom to invite him to see a film with you.11.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Under the one-child policy carried out in China, the “one” generation born between 1978 and 1985 has grown up.Directly affected by the family planning policy of China, whether they feel any loneliness as the only child of the families is being discussed.Does the Only Child Feel Lonely?


Write a “Thank you” letter to Mr.Smith for his recommendation of your competence to the manager of the Medical Company.12.SECTION ACOMPOSITION

Many universities oblige the students to attend the spoken English test.What is your opinion?

Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?


The heating system in the hotel where you live didn’t work well last night.Write to the manager to complain about this.











































































































Tourism Does Do Harm to the Environment

Last week, I was going through The Sunday Times, when a news story caught my eye.A local government in Yunnan got rid of a forest for the building up of a tourist resort.As a result, a rare species of wood crane was rendered homeless.Despite the effort by the locals, these birds still extinguished.It is, indeed, a typical example to show that tourism does do harm to the natural balance of environment.

To begin with, over-expansion of tourism is, of course, destructive to the environment.As it brings huge tides of tourists and certainly big revenues to scenic spots, devastating pollution comes along.Such increased amount of exhaust as released from air traveling and vehicles are the worst results, not to mention other wastes brought along by tourists themselves.Secondly, too much traveling causes irreparable damages to the non-renewable resource of environmental nature.Once exhausted, these resources can be in no way reproduced.Finally, excessive tourism disturbs harmony between humans and natural environment, posing a big threat to their own existence.That is why we see, in so many resorts, polluted rivers, dirty air and “white wastes”.

To sum up, life is too short to live in one place and traveling is human nature.However, as vacations come, and we are working out a big plan to go somewhere, we should keep in our mind the risks posed by excessive traveling so that we possibly do it in a restrained way.

TV—Blessing or Curse? ? Few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does.Being besieged with TV news,absorbing teleplays,well-masterminded programmes,one can easily conclude that TV is a real blessing to the human society,offering affluent entertainment and information.Yet,convenient and helpful as it is,the television also brings negative effects.To begin with,TV makes people more passive than before: since everything on TV is ready-made,there is no space for audience's initiatives.The news has been carefully edited,teleplays well shot,programmes rehearsed,so all you need to do—and all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen.Though a lot of people enjoy doing this,the undoubted truth is that people are becoming more passive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them.

Television also contributes to the fact that people nowadays are more distant to each other.Since most of our free time is taken away by the act of watching TV,we can no longer find enough time to visit friends,call on relatives or go to interesting places.This is also true within a family,parents and children and other members are less close to each other,because family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by TV—when one member is watching TV,he would like ot

hers to keep quiet.Of course I am not denying the great conveniences and huge benefits the TV brings us,but to make it a really blessing to us,we should try to avoid its negative effects.错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。错误!未找到引用源。

To Lie or Not to Lie-----the Doctor’s Dilemma Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients, especially to the incurably(治不好地)ill and the dying? Doctors confront such choices often and urgently.Some people believe that doctors should lie for the patient’s own sake, and such lies differ from self-serving(自私的)ones.Others don’t agree.In my part, I think the doctors should not lie, and they should tell the truth to the patients.Firstly, studies show that an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about grave illness, and feel betrayed when

they learn that they been misled.We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness: helps them tolerate pain better, need less medicine, and even recover faster after surgery.Secondly, lies invade the autonomy of patients and render(致使)them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health, including the choice of whether to be a patient in the first place.Thirdly, dying patients especially---who are easiest to mislead and most often kept in the dark---can then not make decisions about the end of life: about whether or not they should enter a hospital, or have surgery;about where and with whom they should spend their remaining time;about how they bring their affairs to a close and take leave.There is urgent need to debate this issue openly.Lies do harm to those who tell them: harm to their integrity 正直,(诚实)and, in the long run, to their credibility(可靠,可信).Lies hurt the entire medical profession.







① When talking about(it comes to / it refers to)_______, people’s opinion are pergent on such a controversial issue.二、最近经常辩论的一个问题是:

① A much debated issue these day is whether…

① There is a pubic(general)debate(discussion / controversy)today(nowadays)on(about/over/as to)the problem(issue)of …


① Recently the problem(issue)of ______ + has drawn(aroused)public(worldwide)attention.或 + has caused(aroused)wide(general / considerable / international)concern.四、近来„的问题已经广为天下人所知。

① Recently the issue(problem)of … has been in the limelight(brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among the general public).五、在过去的„年里,很多城市面临了„的严重问题。

① In recent(past)years, many cities(nations / people)have been faced with(plagued with / troubled with / experienced / witnessed / undergone)the(a / an)serious problem of(acute shortage of / alarming increase in)…


① One of the burning(pressing / urgent)problems facing(confronting / troubling)our nation(society / world / community)today is that…


① One of the biggest issues(hottest topics / most popular things / most serous problems)many people talk(complain)about now is …


① With the rapid(marked / amazing)development(increase / improvement / expansion / growth / decline)of _____,① With the general(growing / common)recognition(realization / acknowledgement)of ______,① With he general(growing / common)interest in(concern over / enthusiasm for)________,① With ________ playing an increasingly big role in ______,① With _______ attaching much importance to ______,九: 如今有一种…趋势。

① Nowadays(Currently / Recently), there is a growing(unhealthy)tendency to(in / that)…

②一方观点 + 另一方观点:两大表述方法一、一些人认为„,另一些人认为„.② The vast(overwhelming)majority of people say(think / believe/ maintain/ hold)that …, while other people(others)claim(argue / insist)that …

② Most(Many / Quite a few /Some)people say(think / believe / maintain / hold)that, but other people(others)claim that …

② The vast(overwhelming)majority of people say(think / believe/ maintain/ hold)that …, but others view quite differently(but others think a bit differently / but others think that the opposite is true).They argue(claim)that …,② The overwhelming majority would support that …, others, however, take the negative attitude.二、反对者认为…, 拥护者认为…

② Those who criticize(oppose / object to)… argue that ….They believe that …, but people who advocate(favor)…, on the other hand, maintain(assert)that…

③ 我方观点


③ However, I firmly believe(hold/maintain)…

③ From the personal perspective, I prefer A than B as my inclination.③ Personally, I am in favor of(support)the view(idea / opinion / argument)that…

二、agree / disagree型加入:我同意/不同意前/后者观点,我认为…

③ I agree /disagree with the former / latter.I hold(maintain / believe)that …

③ I approve / disapprove of the former / latter idea.I hold(maintain / believe)that…

③ I am(not)in favor of the former / latter idea.I hold(maintain / believe)that…




④流行观点 + ③我方观点(五大表述方法)

一、如今人们普遍认为„, 他们说„ + 我方观点

④ Now, it is commonly(generally / widely)believed(thought / held / accepted / felt / recognized / acknowledged)that … They claim(believe / argue)that …+ For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the issue, I hold(maintain / believe)…

二、如今经常听到的一种批评声音是…他们说… + 我不同意这种观点,原因如下。

④ A criticism often heard these days is that … They say that … I disagree with this point of view for the following two / three reasons.三、对于公众来说… + 我方观点

④ To the general public, …For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the issue, I hold(maintain / believe)…

四、关于这个问题,多数人说… + 我方观点

④ In response(reaction / answer)to the event(phenomenon / idea / question), the majority of people say(think)… + For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the issue, I hold(maintain / believe)…

五、近来我们一直听到关于…的说法。+ 我方观点

④ These days we often hear that … + For my part, I would choose to support.(表示支持流行观点)/ For me, the viewpoint sounds biased / one-sided.After considering the issue, I hold(maintain / believe)…

第三大模板法:①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤提出质疑(四大质疑法)

一、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤但是他们没有意识到„

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型+ ⑤ But do they realize…?

二、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤但是这种做法明智么?越来越多的人,包括我对此表示质疑。

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型 + ⑤ But is it a fair(wise/reasonable)one? This way is now being questioned(challenged)by more people, including me.三、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤ 但是果真如此吗?仔细分析一下,就证明这种观点站不住脚。

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型 + ⑤ But is it true? Close examination(analysis)doesn’t bear out(证实)the claim(view/argument).四、①引题 + ④流行观点 + ⑤ 但是情况果真如此吗?我不认为,因为以下原因。

①引题句型 + ④流行观点句型 + ⑤ But is this really the case? I disagree for the following reasons.第四大模板法: ①引题 + ⑥ 让步转折句(五大转折法)

一、①引题 + ⑥ 的确„,不过„

①引题句型 + ⑥ It is true that …, but …

二、①引题 + ⑥ 似乎 „, 不过„

①引题句型 + ⑥ It seems that …, but …

三、①引题 + ⑥ 不可否认的是„, 不过„

①引题句型 + ⑥ It is undeniable that …, but … / Undeniably, …, but …

四、①引题 + ⑥ 但是尽管„, 几乎没有证据证明„

①引题句型 + ⑥ But although(Admittedly,)…, there is no(little)evidence.it is questioned(doubted)that …

五、①引题 + ⑥ 但是尽管„, 我还是认为„

①引题 + ⑥ Although …, I believe one should …

注:开头段落提出观点可以出现各种格的“我”,但之后的段落不要使用 “I” “me” “my” “we” “us” “our”!
