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编辑:落日斜阳 识别码:21-1137014 12号文库 发布时间: 2024-09-13 01:30:45 来源:网络



一、Directions 1.My brother knows so much about the stars that I am sure it would be impossible to find his _____.A.equivalent

B.equity C.equality

D.equal 答案:D.equal 2.The young couple had made their fortunes by developing a ____travel business at home.A.beneficial

B.profitable C.regenerative

D.financial 答案:B.profitable 3.The two scientists working independently made the same invention ____.A.spontaneously

B.simultaneously C.collaboratively

D.elaborately 答案:B.simultaneously 4.the scientist’s discovery will have a ______influence on mankind.A.gross

B.solid C.complete

D.profound 答案:D.profound 5.when he recited the passage by _____, he revealed that he was reproducing _____without understanding their meaning.A.after /cause

B.sounds/meaning C.sounds/pronunciation

D.rote/sounds 答案:C.sounds/pronunciation 6.were the diameter of a wire smaller diameter, its resistance _______.A.had been increased

B.would be increased C.might have been increased

D.was increased 答案:B.would be increased 7.all of us decided to stop and have dinner, _____we were feeling very hungry A.moreover

B.for C.whereas

D.consequently 答案:B.for 8.The number and persity of British newspaper _____considerable.A.have been

B.are C.were

D.is 答案:D.is 9.Mary is reading ______.A.an exciting, detective old story

B.an old, exciting, detective story C.an exciting, old detective story

D.a detective, old exciting story 答案:C.an exciting, old detective story 10.having potential energy, a body may be in motion without any external force____.A.to act it

B.acting on it C.act on it

D.acts on it 答案:B.acting on it 11.He has only a _____understanding of astronomy.A.original

B.superficial C.critical

D.identical 答案:B.superficial 12.he was too sick to stay here, _____we sent him home.A.however

B.furthermore C.otherwise

D.accordingly 答案:D.accordingly 13.I believe the house was ____ set fire to.A.deliberately

B.credibly C.violently

D.vigorously 答案:A.deliberately 14.The managing director took the ____for the accident although it was not really his fault.A.guilt

B.blame C.change

D.accusation 答案:B.blame 15.They managed to ______ valuable raw materials from industrial wasters.A.reclaim

B.reconcile C.rectify

D.regulate 答案:A.reclaim 16.Logging at 5 p.m.is part of his daily _____.A.habit

B.practice C.routine

D.custom 答案:C.routine 17.Sounding a big city one usually finds the _____ and industrial belts A.habitat

B.inhabited C.dwelling

D.residential 答案:D.residential 18.it was clear that the garden was no more amateur affair, it had been professionally ______.A.laid out

B.laid down C.laid off

D.laid aside 答案:A.laid out 19.Each one of us advised him not to sign the contract with her, but ____.A.to good purpose

B.for the purpose C.in good shape

D.to any purpose 答案:B.for the purpose 20.I spend much time on that composition and I would _____ it if you would do the same when you mark it.A.modify



D.appreciate 答案:D.appreciate

二、Reading comprehension 1.What is the best title for this passage? A.science and the trumpet B.recordings of the trumpet C.the trumpet and its ancestry D.how the trumpet is made 答案:C.the trumpet and its ancestry 2.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is needed to make the trumpet work? A.air pressure

B.keen eyesight

C.daily cleaning

D.long fingers 答案:A.air pressure 3.Which of the following can be inferred about the first trumpet players? A.they could not play all the notes of the scale B.they were not able to pick up the trumpet C.they could not play simple tunes D.they had difficulty improving upon the trumpet 答案:A.they could not play all the notes of the scale 4.The word “one ”(1st sentence of 4th para.)could best be replaced by

A.the listener

B.a family

C.the composer

D.an instrument 答案:A.the listener 5.The author believe that the trumpet is particularly important because it A.can be used in rock bands B.had historical significance C.is a religious instrument D.has a narrow range 答案:B.had historical significance 6.according to the passage, it is difficult to be certain about the distant future of the universe because we---A.have too many conflicting theories B.do not have enough funding to continue our research C.are not sure how the universe is put together D.think too much of our present situation 答案:C.are not sure how the universe is put together 7.What does the author see as the function of the universe’s unseen switches? A.they tell us which one of the tracks the universe will use B.they enable us to alter the course of the universe C.they give us information about the lunar surface D.they determine which course the universe will take in the future 答案:D.they determine which course the universe will take in the future 8.Which of the following could best replace the word “track”(6th sentence of 2nd para.)A.band



D.sequence 答案:C.path 9.For whom is the author probably writing this passage? A.train engineers B.general audiences C.professors of statistics D.young children 答案:B.general audiences 10.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage? A.a statement illustrated by analogy B.a hypotheses supported by documentation C.a comparison of two contrasting theories D.a critical analysis of a common assumption 答案: A.a statement illustrated by analogy 11.from the information presented by the author, it seem s that crows_______.A.can communicate wit on another B.are relatively easy to catch C.usually succeed in bobbing the nests of smaller birds D.do damage to gardens grain fields and orchards 答案:C.usually succeed in bobbing the nests of smaller birds 12.what do the sentinels do> A.they give signals to the crows if any danger is coming near.B.they discover good places for the crows to build their nests.C.they find fields and gardens that can supply the crows with food.D.they defend the crows against the attacks of the small birds.答案:A.they give signals to the crows if any danger is coming near.13.what is the effect of man’s war against crows?

A.“crow shoots” are reducing the number of crows.B.crows are just as numerous as they ever were C.scarecrows are driving crows from the United States D.crows are doing more and more damager all the time 答案:B.crows are just as numerous as they ever were 14.crows help the farmer by _____.A.warning him when danger approach B.learning to say words C.D.catch bugs and other insects 答案:D.catch bugs and other insects 15.what is the author’s feeling about crows?

A.he thinks that they are harmful and should be controlled B.he thinks that their voices are interesting and should be trained C.he enjoys studying them and their habits D.he likes theme and wants to protect them 答案:D.he likes theme and wants to protect them 16.What does the passage mainly discuss? A.American political parties in the twentieth century B.the role of ideology in American polities C.the future direction of Unites States polities D.differences between Republican and Democrats 答案:A.American political parties in the twentieth century 17.according to the passage, what is true of the major political parties in the United States? A.they are both generally conservative B.party organization has been stronger at the state level than at the national level C.party organization has increased their influence in recent years D.Democrats have been stronger than Republican at the national level 答案:B.party organization has been stronger at the state level than at the national level 18.The passage mentions all of the following as causes of the decline of political organizations in the United States except---A.increased numbers of immigrants B.development of the welfare states C.improved conditions for state workers D.the influence of television 答案:A.increased numbers of immigrants 19.The passage supports which of the following conclusions? A.Democrats are more committed than Republicans to a market-oriented economy B.Republicans are more liberal than Democrats C.Republicans and Democrats tend to be flexible on ideological questions D.only Democrats have traditional political organizations 答案:C.Republicans and Democrats tend to be flexible on ideological questions 20.The word “irrelevant” in the last sentence of the passage is closest in meaning to---A.unquestioning

B.uninteresting C.unimportant

D.invalid 答案:B.uninteresting 21.According to behaviorism, all human actions_________.A.are based on stimulus and response

B.have no bearing on human drives

C.are supposed to be highly motivated

D.are of a great mystery

答案:A.are based on stimulus and response 22.Behaviorism basically believes in_______.A.motivation

B.Performance C.rewards

D.human factors 答案:C.rewards

23.From the passage, it can be inferred that _______.A.rewards are highly effective in America

B.rewards are not much soughtafter in academic circles

C.rewards have long lost their appeal in American society

D.Americans are addicted to rewards 答案:D.Americans are addicted to rewards

24.The children’s behavior in the last paragraph_______.A.can be best explained be behaviorism

B.can be linked to Pavlov’s dogs

C.shows that rewards may well kill desire

D.serve to provided evidence to behaviorism 答案:C.shows that rewards may well kill desire

25.Which of the following in support of the finding that “people tend to perform worse,…when a reward is involved”(last paragraph)? A.People are not used to being conditioned by prizes.B.Rewards, like punishments, are attempts to control behavior.C.Rewards are so indispensable to American cultures.D.The principle of “positive reinforcement” in not fully enforced.答案:B.Rewards, like punishments, are attempts to control behavior.26.Dr Adams left London---A.two days before the conference B.on Wednesday 16th

C.on the day before the conference D.on the 13th

答案:D.on the 13th

27.Dr Adams---A.was a good traveler B.found long journeys exhausting C.usually fell asleep on long journeys D.was a keen sightseer 答案:B.found long journeys exhausting 28.After dinner Dr Adams and his companion---A.sat and talked B.went to bed early C.went out into the streets of New Delhi D.caught the plane to Colombo 答案:C.went out into the streets of New Delhi 29.All the delegates to the conference were---A.students of the Commonwealth School of Tropical Agriculture B.from the developing countries C.from Africa D.agricultural experts 答案:D.agricultural experts 30.The “old friends” that Dr Adams met were---A.ex-students of the Commonwealth School of Tropical Agriculture B.people he has worked with before C.delegates he had met at the hotel D.delegates who were interested in his lecture 答案:A.ex-students of the Commonwealth School of Tropical Agriculture 31.The action of the story takes place in _______.A.England B.Johnstown C.New York City D.Not mentioned 答案:B.Johnstown 32.What type of experience did Megan have on Friday afternoon? A.happy B.uninteresting C.depressing D.frightening 答案:D.frightening 33.How do you think Megan felt when she saw the wall of water? A.brave B.curious C.horrified D.disappointed 答案:C.horrified 34.Why do you think the people around Megan to pray? A.because they felt thankful B.because they wanted to impress Megan C.because they were very afraid D.because they asked for others’ help 答案:C.because they were very afraid 35.What do you think the ray of light meant to Megan? A.that there might be a way out B.that she could see well enough to read C.that someone was searching for her D.that there was no danger at all 答案:A.that there might be a way out

三、Translation 1.He had not want to hurt her, but an itch to dominate pushed him on to say.答案: 他并不想伤害她,但是一种渴望激励着他还是说了。

2.in a dangerous and uncertain world, the strengthening of national defense is the best guarantee of a nation’s vital interests.答案:在这个危险和不稳定的世界里,巩固国防是国家利益的最好保障。

3.The ancient water that brought soil to these mountain valleys had no reaching the sea, so they spread out in shallow lake.答案:古老的水把这些土壤带到了山谷,水却没有流到海里,因此他们流进了小湖。

4.while there are thousands of stocks, the ones bought and sold most

frequency are usually listed on the New York Stock Exchange.答案:虽然这里有上千支股票,但是交易最频繁的都被列在纽约的证劵交易所。5.Spanish missionaries who brought their knowledge and their seedlings here from their native country were the first to grow wine here.答案:西班牙传教士从他们自己国家带来了他们的知识和幼苗,并在这里第一次生产了葡萄酒。6.“You’ve got to be careful of these Eastern lawyers.If you are not careful they’ll take you and turn you hustle out”


7.Laura wished that she was not holding that piece of bread-and-butter, but there was nowhere to put it and she couldn’t possibly throw it away.答案:劳拉希望她没有拿那块黄油面包,但是现在没有地方放,她也不可能扔掉。

8.the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)was established to control and abate pollution in the basic areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, noise, and radiation.答案:美国环境保护局负责控制和减轻空气、水、固体垃圾、农药、噪音和辐射的这些基本领域的污染。

9.When one inpidual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results.We call the deed man-slaughter when the litigant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder.答案:如果一个人伤害了另一个人的身体,而且这种伤害致被害人于死,我们就把这种行为叫做过失杀人;如果诉讼当事人事先知道这种伤害会致人于死,那么我们就把他的行为叫做谋杀。

10.Government provides tax write-offs for corporate philanthropy out of the belief that many centers of support for socially needed programs help contribute to a dynamic solution to the human problems of society





请用铅笔将此部分试题的答案填涂在答题卡上,否则无效!II.Vocabulary(10 points)PartA(5 points)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices

marked iL B, C arm 1).Choose the:one thatbest completes the

sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across

the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET 1.Example: She prefers foreign wine to that produced__ A.previously B.vLrtually

C.primarily D.domestically The sentence should read,;“She prefers foreign wine to that produce domesticany.” Therefore, you should choose D.Sample Answer

[A] [B] [C] [D]

1.International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organization of the Olympics somehow encourages__


B.aggressive C.harmonious D.amiable Z One call understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and __ to expressed thoughts.A.dilemmas B.countenances C.concessions D.junctions 3.People innately _____ for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form of an exaggerated lust for power.A.strive


C.justify D.adhere 4.Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of, zoo or wildlife

for intelligent space beings, like the wilderness areas we have set up on earth to allow animals to develop naturally while we observe them.A.conservation B.maintenance C.storage

D.reserve 5.According to the latest report, consumer confidence___ a breathtaking 15 points.last month, to its lowest level in 9 years.A.soared


C.plummeted D.fluctuated 6.Melissa is a computer___ that destroyed files in computers and

frustrated thousands of users around the world.A.genius



D.bacteria 7.The emphasis:on examinations is iby far the.worst form of

competition in schools.A.negligent B.edible

C.fabulous D.disproportionate 8.The boy seemed more _____ to their poverty, after seeing how his

grandparents lived.A.reconciled

B.consolidated C.deteriorated

D.attributed 9.During his two-month stay, in China, Tom never____ a chance to

practice his Chinese.A.passed on B.passed up C.passed by D.passed out 10.When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his ____ can be

distributed.A.paradoxes B.legacies

C.platitudes D.analogin Part B(5 points)Directions: In each of the following sentences there is one word or phrase

underlined.Below the sentence are four choices marked A, B, C, and

D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underiined part.Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square

bracket on ANSWER SHEET I.Example: The secretary is Very competent;she can finish all these letters within one

..;.,ca, ODe bour.A.careful

B.industrious C.clever

D.capable In this sentence, “competent” is closest-;n m e:zting to “capable”.Therefore you should choose D.Sample Answer

[A] [B] [C] [DD] 11.He claims that advertising today tends to portray women in traditional

roles such as cooking or taking care of the baby.A.depict


D;criticize D.analyze 12,.They achieved more than they had eyer dreamed, lending a magic tO their family story that no tale or ordinary life could possibly rival.A.confirm B.achieve C.match

D exaggerate

13.The most urgent thing is to find a dump.for those toxic____ industrial wastes.A.imminent B.recyclable C.smelly D.poisonous i4.British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate that guns would nor be fired without an attempt to win a further U.N.sanction.A.allies

B.delegates C.voters


15.The analysis suggests that the tradeoff between our :children's college and our own retirement security is ,chilling.A.frightening B.promising

C.freezing D.revealing 16.Their signing of the treaty was regarded as a conspiracy against the British Crown.A.secret plan B.bold attack

C.clever design D.joint effort 17.Evidence, reference, and foomotes by the thousand testify to a scrupulous researcher who does considerable justice to a full range of different beorefical and political positions.A.trustworthy B.intelligent

C.diligent D.meticulous 18.Despite their spartan, isolated lifestyle, them are no stories of women being raped or wanton violence against civilians in the region.A.intriguing B.exasperating: C.demonstrative D.unprovoked 19.The gang derived their nickname from their dark clothing and blacked up faces for.nocturnal raids in the forest.A.illegal


C, brutal D.abusive 20.Though sometimes too lazy to work as hard as her sisters, Linda has a more avid fondness for the limelight, A.mercurial B, gallant

C.ardent D.frugal III.Cloze(10 points)Directions : Read the following passage.Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on Answer Sheet I.Like many other aspects of the computer age, Yahoo began as an idea, ___ 21 ___ into a hobby and Iately has ____22 ____ into a full-time passion.The two developers of Yahoo, David Filo and Jerry Yang, Ph.D candidates ___ 23 _ Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, started theirguide in April 1994 as a way to keep 24 of their personal interest on the Intemet.Before long they ___25 ___ that their home,brewed lists were becoming too long and ____ 26____ Gradually they began to spend more andmore time on Yahoo.During 1994, they ____ 27____ yahoo into a customized database designed to____28_____ the needs of the thousands of users____29____ began to use the service through the closely ___ 30____ Intemet community.They developed customized software to help them___ 31 ___ locate, identify and edit material ___32___ on the Intemet.The name Yahoo is ____ 33____ to stand for “Yet

Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”.but Filo and Yang insist they selected the ___34 ___ because they considered themselves yahoos.Yahoo? itself first ___ 35 ___ on Yang's workstation, “akebono”, while the search engine was ___ 36 ___ on Filo's computer, “Konishiki”.In early 1995 Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape Communication in Mountain View, California, invited Filo and Yang to move their files ___ 37___ to larger computers ___38____ at Netscape.As a result Stanford's computer network returned to ___ 39___ , and both parties benefiasc.Today, Yahoo___ 40 ___ organized information on tens of thousands of computers linked to the web.1.A.became



D.intend 2.A.made



D.turned 3.A.in



D.fer 4.A.touch



D.record 5.A.founded



D.reported 6.A.unwieldy



D invaluable




D.converted 8.A.explain



D.evaluate 9.A.which



D.eagerly 10.A.relative

B.interactive C.bound

D.contacted 11.A.fluently

B.efficiently C.exactly

D.actually 12.A.transmitted B.purchased C.sold




D.supposed I4.A.fable



D.brand 15.A.supported



D.launched 16.A.connected B.lodged

C.introduced D.linked 17.A.over

B, away


D.beneath 18.A.housed



D.bidden 19.A.average



D.equal 20.A.attains


C.maintains D.contains IV.Reading Comprehension(20 points)Directions: Read the following passages, decideon the best one of the choices marked A, B, C, and D for each question or unfinished statement and then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 1

Guthrie's contiguity principle offers practical suggestions for how to break babies.One application of the thrcshoM method involves the time young children spend on academic activities.Young children have short attention spans, so the length of time they can sustain work on one activity is limited.Most activities are scheduled to last no longer than 30 to 40 minutes.However, at the start of the school year, attention spans quickly wane and behavior problems often

result.To apply Gutiarie's theory, a teacher might, at the start of the year, limit activities to 15 to 20 minutes.Over the next few weeks the teacher could gredually increase the time students spend working on a single activity.The threshold methoci also can be applied to teaching printing abd handwriting.When children first learn to form letters, their movements awkward and they lack free motor coordination.The distances between lines on a page are purposely wide so children can fit the letters into the space.If paper with narrow lines is initially introduced, students' letters would spill over the borders and students might become frustrated.Once students can form letters

within the larger borders, they can use paper with smaller borders to help them refine their skills.The fatigue method can be applied when disciplining disruptive students

who build paper airplanes and sail them across the room.The teacher can remove the students from the classroom, We them a large stack of paper, and tell them to start making paper airplanes.After the students have made several

airplanes, the activity should lose its attraction and paper will become a cue for not building airplanes.Some students continually race around the gym when they first enter their physical education class.To employ the fatigue method, theteacher might decide to have these students continue to run a few more laps after the class has begun.The incompatible response method can be used with students who talk and

misbehave in the media center.Reading is incompatible with talking.The media center teacher might ask the students'to find interesting books and read them while in the center.Assuming that the studentS find the books enjoyable, the media center will, over time, become a cue for selecting and reading books rather than for talking with other students.In a social studies class some students regularly fall asleep.The teacher realized that using the board and overhead projector while lecturing was very

boring.Soon the teacher began to incorporate other elements into each lesson, such as experiments, videotapes, and debates, in an attempt to involvs students and raise their interest in the course.41.The purpose of this passage is to___ A.inform B.persuade


D.narrate 42.Guthrie identified three methods for__ A.educating students

B.altering bad habits C.avoiding undesired action

D.forming good hobbies 43.Which of the following is not the example of applying the threshold method? A.Parents introduce spinach in small bites or mixed with a food than the

child enjoys over time so that the child will not refuse to eat it.B.Teachers introduce academic content in short blocks of time for young

children and gradually increase session length but not to where students

become frustrated or bored.C.Paper with wider lines is first used and then paper with narrow lines is

introduced step by step to help children learn printing and handwriting.D.A child might be made to throw toys until it is no longer fan by his

parents in order to change his behavior of repeatedly throwing toys.44.To stop snacking while watching television, people should keep their hands busy by sewing, painting, working crossword puzzles, and so forth.Over time.watching TV becomes a cue for engaging in an activity other than snac 'king.What method is used in this example? A.The threshold method.B.The fatigue method.C.The incompatible response method.D.The punishment method.45.We can draw the conclusion from the passage that A.The incompatible response method is to force child to make unwanted

response repeatedly in presence of stimulus until he or she becomes

exhausted B.The threshold method refers to introducing undesired behavior with a

response incompatible with the undesired response so they can not be

performed simultaneously

C.The fatigue method means that engaging in the behavior is transformde

into avoiding it by introducing the stimulus at full strength so it becomes

a cue for not performing it D.The fatigue method is that in presence of stimulus teachers have child

make response incompatible with unwanted response Passage 2 The increase in global trade means that international companies cannot afford to make costly advertising mistakes if they want to be competitive.Understanding the language and culture of target markets in foreign countries is one of the keys to successful international marketing.Too many companies, however, have jumped into foreign markets with embarrassing wralts.Translation mistakes are at the heart of many blunders in international advertising.General Motors, the US auto manufacturer, got a costly lesson when it introduced its Chevrole Nova to the Puerto Rican market.“Nova” is Latin for new(star)“ and means ”star“ in many languages, but in spoken Spanish it can sound like ”no va“, meaning ”it doesn't go“.Few people wanted to buy a car with that cursed meaning.When GM changed the name to Caribe, sales picked up” dramatically.Marketing blunders have also been made by food and beverage companies.3ne American food company's friendly “Jolly Green Giant”(for advertising ,egetables)became something quite different when it was translated into Arabic as “Intimidating Green Ogre”.When translated into German Pepsi's popular slogan, “Come Alive with Pepsi” came out implying “Come Alive from the Grave”.No wonder customers in Germany didn't rush out to buy Pepsi.Successful international marketing doesn't stop with good ranslafions--,-other aspects of culture must be researched and understood ff aarketers are to avoid blunders.When marketers do not understand and appreciate the values, tastes, geography, climate, superstitions, religion, or economy of a culture, they fail to capture their target market.For example, an American designer tried to introduce a new pentare ihto the Latin American market but the product aroused little interest.The mail reason was that the camellia used in it was traditionally used for funerals in many South American countries.Having awakened to the special nature of foreign advertising, companies are becoming much more conscientious in their translations and more sensitive to cultural distinctions.The best way to prevent errors is to hire professional translators who understand the target language and its idiomatic usage, or to use a technique

called “back translation” to reduce the possibility of blunders.The process uses one person to translate a message into the target language and another to translate it back.Effective translators aim to capture the, overall message of an advertisement because a word-for-word duplication of the original rarely conveys the intended meaning and often causes misunderstandings.In designing advertisements for other countries, messages need to be shot and simple.They should also avoid jokes, since what is considered funny in one part of the world may not be so humorous in another.46.The best title of this passage might be __.A.Culture Is Very Important ia Advertishag B.Avoid Cultural Misunderstanding between Nations C.Overcome Cultural Shock in Different Countries D.Advertisements Reflect Various Life Styles 47.What does the word “blunder” mean in this passage? A.hesitation B.mistake C.stutter D.default 48.Which of the following statements can be used to summarize the gist from Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 6? A.Cultural shocks

B.Faulty translations C.Avoid cultural oversights D.Prevent blunders 49.We can learn from the context in Paragraph 9 that the word “ca ” most probably mean____ A.an animal used in perfume for its smell B.a piece of fabric used both in perfume and at funerals C.a flower used in perfume for its fragrance and used for funerals D.an nrnament used in prefume and at funerals 50.One way to prevent errors in advertising in different countries is to___ A.fire the translators who don't know the target language.B.use the technique called “literal translation” to reduce the possibility of

blunders C.avoid cultural oversights and avoid certain jokes D.explain in details when designing advertisement for other countries Passage 3 It is not unusual for chief executives to collect millions of dollars a year in pay, stock options, and bonuses.In the last fifteen years, while executive remuneration rose, taxes in the highest income bracket went down.Millionaires are now commonplace.Amiability is not a prerequisite for rising to the top, and there are a number of chief executive officers with legendary bad tempers.It is not the boss's job to worry about the well-being of his subordinates although the man with many enemies wi!be swept out more quickly in hard times;it is the company he worries about.His business savvy is supposed to be based on intimate knowledge of.his company and the industry.so he goes home nightly with a full briefcase.At the very topexecutives are exceedingly dedicated.The American executive must be capable of enough small talk to get him through the social part of his schedule, but he is probably not a highly cultured inpidual or an intellectual.Although his wife may be on the board of the symphony or opera, he himself has little time for such pursuits.His reading may largely concern business and management, despite interests in other fields.Golf provides him with a sportive outlet that combines with some useful socializing.These days, he probably attempts some form of aerobic exercise to “keep the old heart in shape” and for the same reason goes easy on butter and alcohol, and substances thought to contribute to taking highly stressed executives out of the running.But his doctor's admonition to “take it easy” falls on deaf eyes.He likes to work.He knows there are younger men nipping at his heels.Corporate head-hunting, carried on by “executive search fares,” is a growing industry.America has great faith in inpidual talent, and dynamic and aggressive executives are so in demand that companies regularly raid each other's managerial ranks.51.We can infer from the second paragraph that___

A.promotion depends on amiability

B.chief executives do not work hard enough at the top level

C.it is the duty of the chief executive to look after the well-being of his


D.a chief executive is expected to know more about his company and the

industry 52.The term “aerobic exercise”(fa'st line in second last paragraph)is a kind Of


A.hallucination exercise

B.physical exercise

C.meditation exercise

D.entertainment 53.From the last paragraph we can gather that ____

A.there are too many aggressive executives

B.inpidual talent is not essential for a company

C.the job of an “executive search rum” is corporate head-hunting

D.it is not common for companies to undermine each other's managerial

ranks 54.For executives, according to the article, a golf course is a pl where ________

A.they can conduct their business

B.they can indulge themselves

C.they can cultivate their mind

D.they can exercise as well as socialize 55.What is NOT tree according to the article? A.Executives tend to ignore doctors' advice and warnings.B.Executives are sensitive to pressure from the younger generation.C.All chief executives can earn millions of dollars a year.D.Executives are careful of what they eat.Passage 4 In November 1970 Yukio Mishima, together withsome of his fanatical followers from the ultranationalistic Shield Society WhiCh.he had four, dod in 1966, broke into the headquarters of Japan's Eastern Defense Forces armed with swords and daggers, overpowered some aides, tied up the commanding general, and demanded that the troops be assembled to hear a speech.Mishima addressed the troops for ten minutes, inciting them to rebel against the constitutional govemment imposed by the United States that had, in his words, “turned Japan spineless.” Receiving only ridicule in response, he returned to the general's office and there, before the general's unbelieving eyes, proceeded to kill himself in strict accordance with the tradifonal samurai ritual of seppuku.After Mishima had driven a dagger deep into his left abdomen, one of his aides severed his head with a sword.The aide likewise 'killed himself and was 5eheaded;the others surrendered.In 1936 there had been a similar revolt and, though equally unsuccessful, it had foreshadowed the repressive re,me of General Tojo that was to stage tho attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.That earlier revolt is the one referred to in “Patriotism,” one of Mishima's most powerful stories.Here life and fiction become joined.The act of seppuku was for Mishima a fulfdlment, “the ultimate dream of my life.” Bom of an ancient samurai family, he longed to die a hero's death in accordance with the ancient samurai code;but his weak body kept him from service in the war, and he had to compensate through body building(he became expert at karate and kendo)and, most important, through the discipline writing.In his short lifetime he turned out twenty novels, thirty plays, many essays, and more than eighty stories: he also produced, directed, and acted in movies, and even sang on stage.His first book of stories, A Forest in Flower, appeared in 1943, but it was Confession of a Mask(1948), dealing with the meditations of a young man of homosexual leanings in a repressive society, that brought him fame.Mishima has been called “Japan's Hemingway,” while others have compared him to “aesthetic” writers like Walter Peter and Oscar Wilde.56.The article implies that A.Mishima refused to join the army when he was young B.Mishima has been regarded as a lunatic writer C.Mishima is a person who'is hard m define D.Critics all agree that Mishima is an aesthetic writer 57.The aim of the rebel led by Mishima was A.Fo capture the commanding genera!

B.to urge the government to declare a war against America C.to incite the soldiers to rebel against the Constitutional govemment

D.to force the Emperor to give up the throne 58.In the 1970 rebel, the speech made by Mishima____ A.was web received by the soldiers B, was laughed at by the soldiers C.impressed the commanding general D, left a deep impression tO the soldiers 59.What IS true according to article? A.The general knew that Mishima had longed to die a hero's death.B.The general was greatly taken aback by Mishima's suicide attemnpt C.Some soldiers surrendered after Mishima's speech.D.one of Mishima's aides was killed by the soldiers.60.Mishima became a well-known writer after he had ___ A, written “Patriotism”, one of his most powerful stories B.written eighty short stories C.published “A Forest in Flower” D.published “Confession of a Mask” 主观题部分

请用钢笔或圆珠笔将此部分试题的答案做在答题纸二上,否则无效!V.Translation(20 points)Fart A.(10 points)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese on your ANSWER SHEET.One might ask why speculation is permitted when there is so real a danger of loss.The basic reason is that speculation can perform useful functions in the economy.Buying a commodity or stock in the belief that prices will rise speeds market equilibrium and encourages faster entry of more suppliers.If the price change lagged until after an actual commodity shortage had occurred, the fluctuation would probably be sharper and more sudden.Remedial supply action could not be further delayed.Similarly, if speculators foresee a surplus in some commodity, their selling of futures will help drive the price down to some extent before the SurpluS actually occurs.When speculators foresee a shortage and bid up the price, they are also helphng to conserve the present supply.As the price goes up,less of the commodity is purchased;a rise in price encourages users to ecor, om2ze.Similarly, a lowering of price encourages users to buy more, thus helping to sell the surplus which is developing.Part B.(10 points)Directions: Translate the following into EngIish on your ANSWER SHEET.中国已经发层成为一个全球极富吸引力的、现实的大市场。世界各国 和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,并从投资活动中 获得了丰厚的回报。我相信,中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国投资活 动的机会将越来越多,自身发展的空间也越来越大。在中国的投资活动一 定能成为沟通世界各国和地区的企业家与中国市场的一座桥梁,促进中国 和世界经济共同发展、共同繁荣。VI.Writing(20 points)Directions Write an essay in no less than 250 words with file title “My Understanding of GlobaIization”.Your essay should be written on the Answer Sheet.


1How compelling and thought-provoking the above image is(images are)!


2What is apparently betrayed in the cartoon(s)is that …,in contrast, …

这个漫画明显表现出来的是、、、、,相反的,、、、、、3What on earth can we derive from the interesting and instructive drawing?


4It goes without saying that(there is no denying the fact that)what the painter actually aims to convey in the picture is(pictures are)profound.毫无疑问,事实上作者在这幅画中传达的目标意义深刻。

5Primarily, we can learn that such cases are far from being rare and upsetting parallels can be readily found anywhere from our neighborhood and around the world.6What’s more, there has been a growing concern nowadays over the worsening phenomenon.7It is hard to imagine what our society would be like if such pervasive trend go unchallenged.首先,我们可以发现这样的事情很常见,在我们附近,在世界范围内很容易的就能看到类似的令人不愉快的事情。其次,现在已经对这类恶化的现象给予了越来越多的关注。很难想象如果类似的影响恶劣的趋势没有得到制止我们的社会将变成什么样子。

8Additionally, to reverse the grim situation, effective and efficient measures should be entailed by all parties concerned.9The authorities, the mass media and every one are on the list.10Enhancing people’s awareness of such practices and setting up relevant rules and regulations ought to be top priority of the agenda.另外,为了扭转严峻的情况,相关政党应该采取有效的方法,职权部门、大众传媒和每一个人都包括在内。提高大家对这些措施的关注程度、制定相关规章制度应该是位于日程之首。11Considering what’s presented above, we may safely come to the conclusion that it is high time that such stories were ended or at least reduced.12I am strongly convinced that only when such things vanish or disappear, can we maintain a happy, healthy and harmonious society as we all wish.考虑到以上提到的事情,我们可以顺利的得出结论:是该结束或者减少这类事情的时候了。我坚信只有这类事情消失的时候,我们才能够维持一个我们希望所的快乐、健康、和谐的社会。




3.第7句移到最后一段的最后一句,且改./;成It’s hard …if we fail to grasp such cases and can

not put them into practice.4.把第8句换句举例:To make the point even clearer, let’s come to example regarding an

acquaintance of mine.(为了更明显的表达这个观点,我将举一个关于我一个熟人的例子)

5.第3段 …that it is high time all parties concerned took effective and efficient measures to

practice.The authorities, the mass media, as well as each inpidual are involved.And I’m strongly convinced that we’ll ensure such practices, thus maintaining a happy, healthy, harmonious society as we all wish.(1)不同观点列举型(选择型)

There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that _ 观点一________.In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____.So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______.In their point of view, on the one hand,___原因一____.On the other hand, __原因二___.Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______.As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______.It is not only because ________, but also because _________.The more _______, the more


Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)___作文题目______.In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____.Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly, ___优点一______.And secondly ___优点二_____.Just As a popular saying goes, “every coin has two sides”, __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects.To begin with, ___缺点一______.In addition, ____缺点二______.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.(3)答题性议论文

Currently, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)__作文题目_______.It is really an important concern to every one of us.As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.First of all, __途径一______.In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____.Above all, to solve the problem of _作文题目, we should find a number of various ways.But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, _方法


It is well know to us that the proverb: “ ___谚语_______” has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study.It means ____谚语的含义_______.The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows.(also theoretically)

A case in point is ___例子一______.Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____.With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____.The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.(5)图表作文的框架

As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease

(goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____.From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________.There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______.On the one hand, ________.On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________.In addition, ________ is responsible for _______.Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______.I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.1.开头万能公式一:名人名言


经典句型:A proberb says, “ You are only young once.”(适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.(适用于自编名言)

更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…



According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college

students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Honesty根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。

Youth根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某大学,学生课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。

更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …



说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子:Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者眼光太浅罢了!更多过渡短语:to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus

更多句型:Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we can find that…



Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢?更多句型:Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken.Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.


词汇题汇总(练习)A scientific law is liable at any time to need modifying.This happens when fact is discovered which seems to_____ what the law would lead one to expect.A.prove B.support C.contradict D.discourage 2 The scientific and medical prizes have proved to be the least______, while those for literature and peace by their very nature have been the most exposed to critical differences.A.radical B.prominent C.confidential D.controversial 3 After several nuclear disasters, a ______ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A.quarrel B.suspicion C.verdict D.controversy 4 Our interests seem to ______ at this point.A.constrain B.condense C.conduct D.converge 5 Rescue teams from all over the world ______ on the earthquake-stricken area after the news s-pread that the quake, which measured 7.9 on the Richter scale, had claimed a toll of 15000 lives.A.persified B.disseminated C.converged D.accelerated 6 The ______ of electrical energy into thermal energy is a process that is easily carried out at 100% efficiency.A.conversion B.convention C.conversation D.version 7 Without Bob’s testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and ______ in the case will be impossible.A.verdict B.sentence C.conviction D.acquittal 8 The two countries have developed a ______ relation and increased a great deal in foreign trade.A.managerial B.lethal C.metric D.cordial 9 Chemistry is closely______ with other studies: physics, biology and so on.A.corresponded B.concerned C.correlated D.cooperated 10 It is not enough to observe behaviors and _____ them with physiological events that occur at the same time.A.correlate B.comply C.correspond D.pertain 11 Being the manager of a large corporation, he has a great deal of ______ to deal with every day.A.correspondents B.correspondence C.incidence D.dependence 12 Since its inception, Pakistan has strived desperately to ______India, cultivating ties with any state willing to help it.A.counteract B.counterfeited C.counterchange D.counterbalance 13 A briefcase full of counterfeit money was found on the counter.A.forged B.currency C.substituted D.cash 14 He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.A.tenacity B.curiosity C.civility D.hostility 15 What is missing from TV news_______ would fill a book.A.coverage B.dissemination C.declaration D.consultation 16 The none of students in the class likes the mistress, who is used to being_____ of everything they do.A.emotional B.optimistic C.interested D.critical 17 The ______ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.A.crucial B.forcible C.supreme D.valuable 18 In a porce, the mother usually is granted______ of her children.A.support B.retention C.perseverance D.custody 19 Any person who is in ______ while awaiting trial is considered innocent until he has been declared guilty.A.jeopardy B.custody C.suspicion D.probation 20 The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendant’s trial for murder.A.a decision of guilty B.a decision to punish by electrocution C.an impasse D.an unusual verdict 21 The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, ______ to discuss the implication of that conclusion.A.receded B.implied C.complied D.declined 22 Because of a recent obstacle in production, sales have dropped and accordingly profits have______.A.declined B.increased C.broken D.maintained 23 If somebody is _____, he is given a medal or other honor as an official reward for what he has done.A.confirmed B.decorated C.appreciated D.nominated 24 He won by______ because his opponent refused to play.A.defect B.default C.deficit D.refusal 25 The ____now seems to stand as the primary to a new era of strong economic growth.A.defect B.descent C.deficit D.defeat 26 It was their______ decision to leave their country, and as a result, they lost their citizenship.A.compulsory B.deliberate C.carefree D.modest 27 A ______ plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in these cities.A.deliberate B.disincentive C.functional D.fantastic 28 The supply of apples exceeds the _____ this year.A.request B.claim C.requirement D.demand 29 “Do you like your boss?” “No, he is too_______.”

A.in demand B.demande C.on demand D.demanding 30 I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.A.compliment B.criticize C.flatter D.challenge 31 Because of the bombing that killed six people, Washington has been urging the spokesman to______ terrorism more severely.A.charge B.censor C.blame D.denounce 32 The degree of downward slope of a beach depends o its composition of deposits as well as on the action of waves across its surface.A.sentiment B.sediment C.semester D.segment 33 Nobody at work is very happy, because last week’s sales figures were pretty _____.A.destroying B.depressing C.deceasing D.declining 34 I want to talk about all these points in_____ order of importance.A.declining




Sometimes a dictionary designates a noun as attributive, which means that it can be used to describe another noun or name its attributes.A.conveys




If you call the 911 emergency number, they will______ firemen, policemen, and paramedics immediately.A.assign



D.dispatch 37 The bus moved slowly in the thick fog.We arrived at our______ almost two hours later.A.designation




He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.A.deduced




My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has______.A.deteriorated




Smuggling is a ______ activity which might bring destruction to our economy;therefore, it must be banned.A.pertinent




The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be _____ from a straight line.A.distracted



D.permeated 42 In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.A.distinguished




The ______ of the occasion was spoiled when she fell down the steps.A.privacy



D.secrecy 44 Even if I won a million-dollar lottery, I would continue to live_____.A.subtly B.frugally C.explicitly D.cautiously 45 His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A.listless B.robust C.thrifty D.gullible 46 To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must______ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.A.improve B.enhance C.guarantee D.gear 47 Desperation, hunger, thirst, and resentment all make it more likely that people will______ a more powerful figure who promised them help and/or salvation.A.be prone to B.give in to C.live up to D.put an end to 48 She ______ at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.A.suffered B.grieved C.discriminate D.scared 49 It______ me to see him in such a bad health.He was such an energetic and strong young man only several months ago.A.depressed B.upset C.harmed D.grieved 50 I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms.It’s not like either of them to bear a _______.A.grudge B.hatred C.disgust D.curse 51 Participants in the Shanghai Cooperation Forum______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.A.cursed B.echoed C.bounced D.hailed 52 The snow_____ my plan to visit my aunt in the countryside.A.confused B.bewildered C.conversed D.hampered 53 The trucks _____ heavy goods from factories to the ports.A.pull B.haul C.drag D.push 54 Cigarette smoking is a great health _____ and may lead to fatal diseases.A.opposition B.protagonist C.fault D.hazard 55 The manager stubbornly_____ the section director from reducing his staff despite the failing business of the company.A.hindered B.adapted C.imposed D.permitted 56 It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all _____ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.A.prophecies B.transactions C.argument D.hindrances 57 Some birds______ when they look for animals to kill on the ground.A.hosed B.rolled C.hovered D.revolved 58 The full _____ of changes in computer technology will be felt within the next few years.A.affect B.impact C.action D.importance 59 The degree of economic growth is an ______ of the level of living.A.index B.advantage C.access D.aspect 60 The policeman tried to ______ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly.A.induce B.abduct C.indulge D.lure 61 Since the package was______, the damage was paid for.A.ensured B.insured C.assured D.promised 62 The point at ______ at the meeting is whether they are to import the assembly line.A.argument B.controversy C.issue D.conflict 63 Lawyer have a terrible habit of using Latin and industry ______ to mystify people and themselves more valuable.A.inflections B.dialects C.accent D.jargon 64 As the cat lay asleep, dreaming her whiskers______.A.twitched B.twisted C.jerked D.jogged 65 The manager______ facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.A.beguiled B.besmirched C.juxtaposed D.juggled 66 The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a_______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion.A.long B.forever C.lasting D.lively 67 His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.A.hidden B.sophisticated C.delicate D.profound 68 When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his _____ can be distributed.A.paradoxes B.legacies C.platitudes D.analogies 69 Now the public has an unprecedented chance to peer over the shoulders of archaeologists and historians and get a firsthand look at the_____ of the Mongols and their Asian predecessors.A.legacy B.bequest C.converse D.miracle 70 The farmer put up iron fences around the flower______ garden neighbor’s sheep should break in.A.on condition that B.now that C.lest D.but 71 _____ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.A.In order that B.Lest C.If D.Providing 72 After the concert, the clean-up crew found the ground______ with papers, bottles and cans.A.scrubbed B.used C.littered D.dispersed 73 I don’t understand why people_____ such a beautiful garden with cans and bottles.A.located B.provided C.protected D.littered 74 Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the______ bins provided.A.junk B.litter C.scrap D.deposit 75 Laura, who comes from a wealthy family, spends most of her time enjoying herself, but takes _____ pains with her lessons.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 76 What he told me was a _____ of downright lies.A.load B.mob C.pack D.flock 77 A _____ refers to an animal that is born from its mother’s body, not from an egg, and drinks its mother’s milk as a baby.A.mammoth B.penguin C.mosquito D.mammal 78 He expected the House to pass the bill by a comfortable______.A.maple B.marble C.marsh D.margin 79 The tiger continued to ______ us by walking round and round our tent.A.trap B.transplant C.menace D.provoke 80 A______ of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike.A.value B.merit C.factor D.worth 81 Americans are highly_____, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A.moving B.mobile C.movable D.motional 82 The two psychologists had to modify the American Sign Language somewhat in order to accommodate the chimpanzees’ spontaneous gestures.A.change B.abort C.shorten D.enhance 83 The whole program is well designed, but some details need further _____by some experts.A.proofing B.modifying C.demonstrating D.polishing 84 A scientific law is liable at anytime to need_____, that is an eternal truth.A.modifying B.changing C.revising D.adjusting 85 The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff_____.A.moral B.mortal C.morale D.mores 86 Another popular misconception is the _____ that great talent is usually highly specifiC.A.notion B.dilemma C.domain D.analogy 87 On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.A.subjected B.inclined C.available D.obliged 88 They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic_____ that account.A.on B.by C.for D.with 89 The Barbie doll comes with a whole range of_______ that you can dress her in.A.outlooks B.outlines C.outskirts D.outfits 90 Such an _____act of hostility can only lead to war.A.overt B.episodic C.ample D.ultimate 91 Furthermore, if I were to leave him, he would______, for he cannot endure to be separated from me for more than one hour.A.prevail B.preside C.perish D.persecute 92 There’s one girl at my school who everybody______ because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears;they are horrible to her.A.picks out B.picks over C.picks on D.picks off 93 Players will be_____ against four others worldwide in a timed competition to answer trivia questions from the 1950s to present day.A.trifled B.wreathed C.instigated D.pitted 94 The criminal’s _____ for leniency was ignored by the jurors.A.protest B.demand C.plea D.defence 95 When the rent was due, the poor man______ for more time.A.pleaded B.squashed C.exerted D.cursed 96 The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been ____ for more pocket money all the time.A.supposing B.pleading C.trailing D.devising 97 He told a story about his sister who was in a sad______ when she was ill and had no money.A.plight B.polarization C.plague D.pigment 98 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe______ Europe into a great war.A.pitched B.imposed C.inserted D.plunged 99 In 1816, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Northern Europe______ Europe into a bloody war.A.imposed B.plunged C.pitched D.inserted 100 It is not too late, but_____ action is needed.A.right B.urgent C.hurry D.prompt

答案(未必正确,请按自己查找对的理解): 1-5CADAC.6-10CBDCA.11-15CAAAA.16-20ABCCC.21-25BAAAD.26-30CADCD.31-35AABBD.36-40CBBCD.41-45BCABC.46-50DBBDA.51-55DDBDA.56-60DCBAA.61-65BCDCD.66-70CABAC.71-75BCDBA.76-80ADDCB.81-85BABAC.86-90ADADA.91-95CCDCA.96-100BADBD



浙江大学考博英语词汇 浙江大学考博英语03年秋词汇题

1.Hoping that he might be able to _____the problem,I asked Manio to look at the engine.A.shed light on B.make light of C.bring light to D.set light to 2.His_____ and unwillingless to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team.A.arrogance B.dignity C.humility D.solitude 3.The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 thanks to a(n)______in world trade.A.inflation B.stimulus C.bulge D.boom 4.He decided he was going to take______ for the murder of his sister A.refuge B.testify C.certify D.allege 5.No one expected him to ____against his former employer.A.dedare B.testify C.certify D.allege 6.Rachel was the_____choice for the job thanks to her communication skills A.unanimous B.genuine C.harmnious D.agreeable 7.The police detective put together the pieces of evidence to form on ____ account.A.senstive B.genuine C.expressive D.coherent 8.You should have your eyes examined_____to be sure of your eyesight.A.periodically B.persistently C.continuously D.continually 9.You should treat those remarks with the ___ that they deserve don’t give them a second thought.A.negative B.disgrace C.contempt D.sarcasm 10 The book is a rain attempt to ____ the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.A.worship B.glorify C.adore D.cherish 11 The government is seeking to ___ itself from the latest financial.A.detach B.extract C.derive D.ease 12 Heavy rainful in the south of England means that flooding is____ A.imminent B.momentous C.transient D.prospective 13 He____ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office.A.dispose B.dispensed C.dispatched D.dispersed 14 I didn't ignore her_____ just didn't recognize her.A.attentively B.intensively C.intentionally D.intensely 15 You will only be allowed to leave early in_____ circumstances A.exceptional B.concidental C.peculiar D.imperative

参考答案: A A D B B A D A A B B A C C A浙江大学考博英语04年春词汇题

1.It is important to keep the factory working at ____ efficiency all the time.A optimistic B optimum C optical D optional 2.We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market.A lingering B chronic C lengthy D abiding 3.Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely____

A legible B intelligible C distinctive D conceivable 4.We are going to____ what were learned so for by doing some revision exercise today.A consolidate B reinforce C affirm D conform 5.Kerin made one last____attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him and then left A considerable B trival C futile D resultant 6.The school agree to ___ their decision until they had spoken to his parents.A convert B retain C deter D expel 7.Repullican Party member were confidently ____ victory even as the first few votes come in A acclaining B reclaining C exclaining D proclaiming 8.The___between the two sets of figures suggests that someone had been stealing money from the bank A discrepancy B conflict C contrast D pergence 9.The idea that a good night sleep will cure everything is a complete _____ A defect B fallacy C fraud D abuse 10 Before a bill can become law it has to have the full ____ of both Houses of Parliament.A justification B warrant C endorsement D verification 11 The image is ____ by a series of lenses within the telescope A maginfied B signified C extended D expanded 12 Strangely enough the most obvious explanation did not ___ Juckie until the next day A stumble on B occur to C come up with D stand up to 13 The government wants a 3% inflation rate,but is this a ___ objective? A reflective B flexible C feeble D feasible 14 She has still ___ by what happened in Bancelona,although she had left 20years earlier A haunted B frequented C recalled D sustained 15 The hands on my alarm clock are____.So I can tell time in the dark A imminent B luminous C illumination D illustrative

参考答案:B B A A C B D A B C A B D A B


(大部分与03年秋以及04年春词汇部分重复,不同的有)1.You can't cure a common cold, but you can ____ the symptoms.A moderate B alleviate C dilute D subdue 2.For years scientists have been ___ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields.A tangled B terrified C evoked D baffled 3.The flood was a___ from which Bangladesh has never really recored.A calamity B downfall C reverse D scandal 4 Our company's management____negotiations on a new union contract A launched B triggered C terminated D preserved 参考答案:B D A A 4 浙江大学考博英语05年春词汇题

1.If wool is submerged in hot water,it tend to___ A snap B shrink C fade D condense 2.His last play was ___ by the critics as a masterpiece A claimed B proclaimed C exclaimed D acclaimed 3.It is the builder’s job to make sure that the house conforms to the architects___ in every way.A regulations B specialities C essentials D specifications 4.Your letter has been___ to the authority concerned.A transited B transfered C transported D transmitted 5.Among her many___ are loyalty ,courage andtruthfulness A virtues B morals C characters D graces 6 The soldiers___ their arms as thay marched.A swayed B swung C swerved D swelled 7.The country's constitution___ the ideals of equality and freedom.A embodies B symbolizes C marks D represents 8.It was ___ whether the patient will survive the operation A vague B suspicious C ambiguous D doubtful 9.The brochure______us into thinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach A trapped B frightened C engaged D misled 10 “I'm far too busy to talk to you now.”

he said,in his usual____manner.A rigid B steep C abrupt D stern 11 He's rich and keeps____about how much money he's got to impress people A exaggerating B boasting C admiring D inspiring 12 She was____enough to realize right from the start that he was lying.A initiative B pervasive C imaginative D perceptive 13 The two countries___ their peace efforts after a break of two and a half years A rebuked B renewed C reviewed D reclaimed 14 People always greet each other warmly,____ their different origins and beliefs.A in regard to B in contrast with C with respect to D regardless of 15 The express train from London___ on time.A pulled up B pulled over C pulled in D pulled through 参考答案:B D D B A B A D D C B D B D C
