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第二篇:教案(江西科技师范大学 李丹)

Hello, everyone.Today I'm very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas mainly focusing on the learning of the Simple Past Tense.I’ll say Section A(from 1a to 1c)of Unit8 in Go For It.I’ll talk about the lesson from 11 parts.Part 1: the analysis of the teaching materials This is an important lesson in this unit even in this book.This lesson is the first one of unit 8.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful for making the Ss learn the rest of this unit.In this lesson, the Ss learn the ways to talk about events in the past, such topic is related to their daily life, and so it can raise their learning interests and improve their spoken English.Part 2: the analysis of the students Ss of Grade Eight have learned English for more than five years.They have a good foundation in words and sentences.They have mastered some skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.Most students have taken a great interest in English now, they enjoy learning English.They enjoy learning English but most of them are so confused with the English grammars because of their lack of interest in the grammar rules, so they are weak in this aspect.In that case, I will try to arouse the Ss interests in it and make it clearer for them to grasp the Simple Past Tense while speaking, listening, reading, writing, and performing.Part 3: teaching aims and demands 1, knowledge objects:(1)Make the Ss learn some new expressions and new vocabularies, such as follows: aquarium, gift shop,fantastic, souvenir, seal, shark, hang out, go to the zoobeachaquarium.(2)Help Ss get familiar with the past form of both regular and irregular verbs and use the past form of verbs properly.(3)Help them grasp the functions, symbols, and basic sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense.(4)Know the there-be sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense.2, Ability objects:(1)Develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2)Train the Ss’ abilities of working in pairs.(3)Develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures and grammatical rule of the Simple Past Tense.3, Moral objects: Through the description of the past and expressing their views, make the Ss learn to respect and understand each other and learn to exchange different views, understanding other people's preferences, and enhance friendship.Part 4: Teaching important points and difficult points:

一、Important points:(here are four important points listed as follows.)1.words and expressions: aquarium, gift shop,fantastic, souvenir, seal, shark, hang out, go to the zoobeachaquarium, museum,beach,zoo,dolphin,pizza,ice cream,friend,movie,went,saw,were,played,read,visited,cleaned;2.Sentences : How was your weekend? It was great.Where did you go on your vacation? I went to the beach.Did you go to the zoo? Yes,I did.No,I didn’t.Were there any seals? Yes,there were.No,there weren’t.I saw some sharks/ I went to the aquarium.What else did you do?

3.The functions, symbols, and basic sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense.Especially the there-be sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense 4.The past form of both regular and irregular verbs, the past tense affirmative and negative sentence, did you and were there sentence structures, led by general question.二、Difficult points:(As for the teaching difficult points, I have

listed three points below.)1.How to make the Ss grasp the functions, symbols, and basic sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense.Especially the there-be sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense? 2.How to help the Ss get familiar with or even bear in mind the rules of the irregular form of verbs’ past tense? 3.How to talk about events in the past? Then let’s come to the next part.Part 5: Teaching aids Multi-media computer and the blackboard, other tools: tape recorder, cassette, pictures, cards, oranges, color chalk Part 6: Teaching methods According to the analysis and requirement above, i’ll try to use following methods to make students the real master of the class while the teacher myself the director, to lead and inspire the students to achieve the teaching goals.Here are three basic methods: 1)Communicative approach 2)Task-based teaching approach 3)Multi-media assistant teaching approach Now, here comes the most concrete part of my teaching procedures.Part 7: Teaching procedure

Step 1: Warming-up activities:

a)Greetings and an English song.b)Free talk.Then revise the simple past tense.What did you do this morninglast nightyesterdayetc? Step 2: Drill:

a)Show a picture.Tell the Ss they had a school trip last summer, then talk about the picture and put the cards of phrases on the Bb.b)Get the Ss to write down the phrases in the chart of activity 1a and read them c)Ask and answer with the Ss in different ways.Step 3: Oral practice:

1)A: How was your school trip?

B: It was fantastic.A: What did you do?

B: I went to the beach.A: Were there any sharks?

B: No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some

really clever seals.2)Look at the picture of the beach.A: Did you go to the beach zoo? B: Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.Practice with other activities in the picture.Then get the Ss to talk about their activities that happened.3)Put some oranges on the desk and then hide them.A: Are there any oranges? B: Yes, there were.A: Were there any oranges?

B: Yes, there were(some).A: Were there any apples? B: No, there weren’t(any).Point out “some any”.Use Ss’ school things to practice the conversation.Then Ss ask and answer in pairs.Give the oranges to the Ss who act well as gifts.Step 4: Presentation:

1.Present the new words “gift souvenir shark seal aquarium” and the phrase “hang out”.2.Tell the Ss something about Tina’s trip.Then ask them some questions to present the conversation in activity 1b.Read the conversation.Step 5: Listening practice: 1, Go through the phrase and read.2, Listen to the tape for the first time.Ask: what did Tina do on her school trip? Ss just listen.3, Listen again, Ss circle the things Tina did.Check the answers.4, Read the listening material after the tape for twice.Then role play the conversation.Step 6: Pair work:

1, show another picture, point out the names and talk about what they did on their school trip.2, the teacher makes model conversations with some Ss.3, Ss work in pair.The teacher moves around and helps them if necessary.4, some pairs of Ss act out in front of the Bb.(After we have finished the oral practice, listening practice, group activity and pair works in the above six steps, the Ss may have got a sense of the grammar I am going to teach in this lesson.Now, it’s time to card the grammar knowledge.)Step 7: the analysis of the grammars: the Simple Past Tense(this mainly will be showed on the screen)

1, the past form of both regular and irregular verbs, the past tense affirmative and negative sentence, “did you” and “were there” sentence structures, led by general question.2, the function, symbol, and basic sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense.Especially the there-be sentence structures of the Simple Past Tense.Step 8: Time limited training in class(If time is not enough for the Ss to finish these exercise in class, then I will left it to next class for review the grammar of this unit.)this part will be showed on the screen.Step 9: Read aloud together: the new words, expressions and sentences on the blackboard again.Step 10: Homework and plans for next class:

1, After class, go over by yourself and then finish the exercise on the paper I am going to hand out to all of you.2, Next class, hand in your paper first.Then I may give you some other typical exercise to finish in class within the giving time to check whether you have gone over by yourself after class or not.Finally, we will begin the learning of Section B of your textbook.Part 8: time distribution

Step 1: Warming-up activities(3mins)

Step 2: Drill(4mins)

Step 3: Oral practice(4mins)

Step 4: Presentation(5mins)

Step 5: Listening practice(6mins)

Step 6: Pair work(5mins)

Step 7: the analysis of the grammars(10mins)

Step 8: Time limited training in class(5mins)

Step 9: Read aloud together and Step 10: Homework and plans

for next class(3mins)Part 9: The design of the blackboard

The title of this unit is on the top of the blackboard.Divide the blackboard into 2 parts.The left part is for some key points that I need to write down, while the right part is for the screen.Part 10: Teaching effects that i have expected to reach before teaching

After this lesson, the Ss can talk about events in the past with others in their daily life.What’s more, i expect that they could grasp the important points in class and go over and practice the difficult points after class.Part11: teaching reflection

My teaching procedures mainly focus on how to talk about events in the past by activities, speaking, listening, and presentation.Through a series of oral works and activities in class, Ss can not only use the grammar more to grasp it, but also keep great interests in English learning.During my teaching, i’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English.I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English.And i will use this to guide my teaching.



第一章 总则

第一条 本会正式名称为“江西科技师范大学青年教师联谊会”(以下简称本会)。会址设在江西科技师范大学校团委内。

第二条 本会系由江西科技师范大学青年教师自愿组成,在江西科技师范大学党委领导下,以联谊、咨询为主要活动的群众团体。

第三条 本会宗旨:团结、交流、奋进、奉献。致力于团结广大青年教师,增强凝聚力;加强社会联系与实践,增进校际间及校内跨学科青年教师的交流与合作(包括与国外学术团体的交流与合作),提高青年教师队伍整体素质,为学校的改革,发展贡献力量。

第四条 本会遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律,坚持党的四项基本原则,拥护党和政府的各项方针、政策,并以此开展工作,爱国、爱校、敬业、奉献。

第二章 任务

第五条 加强青年之间的思想交流。

第六条 加强校内外不同学科青年教师间科研学术方面的协作、交流。

第七条 及时反映青年教师在思想、教学、生活上的动态情况,为学校制定相关政策提供参考依据。

第八条 在青年教师中作好学校政策的宣传,协助有关部门为青年教师排忧解难。

第九条 开展校内外青年教师联谊活动;组织丰富多彩、适合青年教师特点的实践及文体活动,活跃青年教师的业余生活。

第十条 加强青年教师与学校之间的沟通与交流,起到桥梁的作用。

第三章 会员

第十一条 根据自愿原则,凡在江西科技师范大学工作、年龄在45岁以下的青年教师均可由本人向秘书处提出申请,并填写《会员登记表》。符合条件者经理事审批后,即可加入本会,成为本会会员。第十二条 会员应履行以下各项义务:





第十三条 会员享有以下各种权利:






第十四条 通过书面申请,可自愿退出本会。

第四章 组织机构

第十五条 会员(代表)大会由本会全体会员代表组成,为本会的最高权利机构,理事会为全体大会的代表机构,秘书处为理事会常设机构。

第十六条 全体大会由理事会召集,每两年召开一次。其任务是:制定、修改章程;选举产生理事;决定本会的工作计划和任务;审议理事及各部(处)部长(秘书长)的工作报告;通过重要决议;决定其他重要事项。理事会每年至少召开两次全体理事会议。如遇重大问题。理事长召开理事会议。

第十七条 理事会设名誉理事长、理事长、副理事长、秘书长等若干人。名誉理事长对理事会的工作进行指导,提供帮助,实施监督。

第十八条 理事会由理事长1名、副理事长3~5名、秘书长1名、副秘书长1~2名、理事若干组成。第十九条 理事由各学院推荐产生。理事会负责推举理事长和副理事长。理事长、副理事长和理事每届任期2年,可连任,至多三届,不称职的理事长或副理事长由理事会表决罢免。

第二十条 理事会下设秘书处、通联部、学术部、信息部和活动部共五个职能部门,分别具体负责、处理相关的日常事务。各部(处)负责人经理事长提名,由理事会任命、不称职者由理事会作出免职决定。每部设部长1名,副部长1~2名,秘书处设秘书长1名、副秘书长1~2名。






第二十一条 以上各项选举和决定均以“简单多数通过”为原则。

第五章 经费

第二十二条 经费来源:师资培训费;学校、社会及个人赞助。

第二十三条 经费由秘书处负责管理,全体会员监督,支出按理事会的预算执行。

第六章 附则

第二十四条 本《章程》经江西科技师范大学青年教师联谊会理事会表决通过后正式生效。

第二十五条 本《章程》解释权属于联谊会秘书处。


















关键词:案例教学法 中学思想政治课 教学 重要性













