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牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3教案
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第一篇:牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3教案

牛津小学英语 6A

Unit 3 It was there!第二课时(Part B , C and D)

一. 教学目标和要求:

1、在第一课时的基础上进一步复习和巩固Part B的单词及词组: a mobile phone, a CD walkman, a diary, a roll of film, a pair of glasses, earphones.2、能根据图片内容选择适当的介词:

next to, in front of, on , in , between, under等。

3、能听得懂,会说,会读,会写句型: Where are your…? They are + 介词短语。They aren‟t there now.They were there a moment ago.4、能在理解be动词was的基础上,意识到were是was的复数形式, 两者都是过去式。

二. 教学重点和难点:


2、对were 的正确理解和使用。三.课前准备:


Step 1

: Review the words of Part B 1.Play a guessing game: T: Today we are going directly to the words we‟ve learnt yesterday.First I will check your memory.On the screen you can only see the initial letters of these words, so please try to figure out correctly what the words are respectively.在页面上分别写着“ m, e, c, p, d, r”, 它们都是第一课时新授单词的首字母。正确的答案应该是mobile phone, earphones, CD walkman, a pair of glasses, diary and a roll of film.T should encourage all the students to speak out each word.If time is permitted, Ss should be allowed to spell the words.2.Follow and say.教师手中拿着六张打乱顺序的单词卡片,让学生一齐跟读。但要求是如果教师说的单词和图片一致就跟读,若不一致,就不发出任何声音,保持安静。谁违反了这一规定即淘汰。

T: Now you have gone through these words quickly, so it is time for us to make a competition.Here are some word cards.You should follow me to read them, if it is right.When it is wrong, you should keep quiet.Step 2

: Presentation : 1.Help Ss be aware of the differences when the subject is changed from singular form to plural form.T: Look at the screen.This is my friend, can you tell me what is in his hand.S: There is a pair of glasses in his hand.T: yes, you‟re right.It is a pair of glasses.But where is it ? S: It is in his hand.T: Oh, yes, it‟s in his hand。

教师应出示板书Where is the pair of glasses ? It‟s in his hand在黑板上,并带领学生齐读。

T: Now I‟d like to make a tiny change on the sentence, please tell me whether it is same with the previous one.Look, I don‟t like the expression like” a pair of glasses”, it is too long.Let me make it shorter.Just glasses.So can I say “ where is glasses? It‟s in his hand”? 教师将问题引出,鼓励孩子思考,得出正确的答案,把is 改为are,把it is改为They are.并让学生告诉教师作出改动的理由是什么,让学生意识到a pair of glasses是单数形式,而glasses是复数形式。两者不同。

教师在刚才板书的下面出示Where are the glasses? They‟re in his hand.2.Practice T: So let‟s go on choosing the correct answers for your friend Su Hai.Where are Su Hai‟s earphones? And where are her CDs? Please listen to the tape, and tick the correct answers.Ss should listen to the conversation carefully.After that, Ss can make the complete response to each question.3.Introduce the word “were”

T: Let‟s move back to the first picture.So from the picture, you know that the glasses are in my friend‟s hand.In fact, they aren‟t there now.Look, they‟re on the teacher‟s desk.T: So we can see two different places, one is “in my friend‟s hand”, the other is “ on the teacher‟s desk”.How can we put these two different places in one sentence like “ The glasses … now, but they… a moment ago”? Anyone would like to try? S: The glasses are on the teacher‟s desk now, but they were in your friend‟s hand a moment ago.1)T: Teach the word “ were”.2)Have several students repeat the whole sentence.Step 3: Practice 1.Dialogue between T and Ss: T: What are they?

S: They are earphones.T: From the picture, where are the earphones?

S: They are next to the mobile phone.T: Are they next to the mobile phone now?

S: No, they aren‟t.They are in front of the bag.T: Who can imitate the pattern to make a new sentence?

Ss: The earphones are in front of the bag, but they were next to the mobile phone a moment ago.2.Discuss in pairs to finish Part C-the latter part.(Plural form)

T: Let‟s deal with some pictures available on Page 34.Please discuss with your deskmates to finish these dialogues.3.Pick 12 pairs to give the report to the whole class.T: All right, discussion time is up.Now let me invite some of you to make up the conversation.Step 4: Consolidation 1.Demand Ss to finish a blank-filling exercise on the sheet.T should give Ss some time to finish the exercise independently, then select students to share the answers with the whole class.T: Just now, some of you have given me the whole dialogue according to the pictures.Now I „d like you to do a written assignment.The only requirement is to close your books.(1)Where _______ your glasses? They‟re in the bag.They aren‟t there now.They ________ there a moment ago.(2)Where________ your earphones? ___________ next to the diaries.They aren‟t there now.They ________ there a moment ago.(3)Where ____________ your shoes? ___________ under the table.They ________ there now.They _________ there a moment ________.(4)Where ________ your magazines? ________________________.________________ there now.They ____________ a ____________.(5)Where __________ your flowers? ________________________._________________________.They______________________.(6)Where _______________________? _____________________________ ______________________________.______________________________.(以上教案由苏州市实验小学芮蕴提供)



5A Unit 4(B,C,D,F)

1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a vase, a horse, a chicken, a duck, a pig,。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词a mask, a pumpkin。能进一步掌握以上单词复数的词形和读音的变化。3能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What animals do you like? I like„ Do you like..? 及回答Yes, I do./ No, I don't.I like...What do you like...? 及其回答I like...4.能综合运用单词和句型完成调查任务。


能综合运用单词和句型What animals do you like? I like„ Do you like...? 及回 答Yes, I do./ No, I don't.I like...完成调查任务。

1.动物面具(rabbit, dog ,tiger,cat,horse, chicken, duck, pig,)2.板书的准备(字条)(双面胶)3.自制课件。4.录音磁带 5.调查表

记 本节课是单词、句型结构课。在教学设计及教学过程中,注重“单词教学情景化,句型教学任务化”。在教课的“呈现”阶段,就向学生们介绍了“万圣节”的习俗,点明了主题,所有的单词、句型教学围绕这个主题情景展开。1.在教授新词a mask, a pumpkin,a vase时为学生们创设了人们为“万圣节”准备物品的图片情景,引导学生学习句型“What do people need for Halloween?”“They need„”让学生调动他们的知识储备,看图学词并运用新句型自主问答,扩展他们的知识面。2.在教授新词a horse, a chicken, a duck, a pig时做成各种动物面具,运用孩子们喜闻乐见的猜谜形式,让他们猜猜面具是什么动物,充分调动他们的视听器官来进行轻松愉快地学习,并穿插使用各种句型特别是重点句型“Do you like „? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What do you like ?I like„”来谈论,达到了词句相结合的教学目的。




程 Step 2: Presentation and practice: “Do you like my house”? 1.T:Can you say this rhyme

2.a.T:The little mouse likes its house.Do you like your house?

b.Who‟s on duty today? Please introduce your house to your classmates,OK?

c.Who „d like to ask her questions about her house?

1.T: What day is it today? What date is it?

2.T:Oh,it’s the 13th of Oct.After 18 days, on the 31st of Oct, in some western countries, there’s a holiday.Look, people dress up in costumes and they need a pumpkin lantern.(放课件图片)What holiday is it? Now let’s watch and listen.(播放介绍“万圣节”的课件)

3.T: What holiday is it?

4.T:Pelple like to have a Halloween party.They would like to buy many things.What do people need for Halloween?

S:Yes, we do.S1:OK.(On duty)

Students ask her some questions: S1 answer.S:Yes, I can

S: Today is Wednesday.It‟s the 13th of Oct.watch and listen

S: It‟s Halloween.Learn the word “Halloween”

引导回答”They need„”(先读句型,学习单词”need”再看图让学生自由问答)通过学生复习说歌谣,“值日”活动,不断复现”Do you like„” “I like „”等句型为新课中的重点句型作铺垫。有效地提取学生的知识储备。




内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学设 计

5.T: What do people need for Halloween?

(根据学生的反馈,呈现vase ,pumpkin lantern, mask)

6.a.T:In Halloween, people like to put on masks.this is the most important sign for Halloween.Look, I have some masks.What masks are they ?Let’s play a guessing game.OK?(准备四个面具“rabbit, cat, dog ,tiger”让学生看面具反面)b.T: What mask is it? Very clever!It‟s a cat mask..Do you like cats?(同法教授rabbit, dog ,tiger面具)

7.a.T: I have another masks.Listen.What mask is it?(放课 件)

bDo you like chickens? Talk in pairs.A: What do people need for Halloween? B: ”They need…”

S: ”They need…”

学生学习单词vase ,pumpkin lantern, mask

Great.S: It‟s a cat.Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.Listen.S: It‟s a chicken mask.(Learn the word “chicken “)

Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.c.Talk about chickens in pairs.“Do you like …? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.What do you like ?I like…”

将动物类单词“rabbit, cat, dog ,tiger,chicken,duck,horse,pig”和面具“mask”相结合,让学生自然地学习新词。


在学生学单词的过程中穿插句型“Do you like „? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What do you like ?I like„”的操练。


内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学 调 整

Step3: Consolidation:(同法教授“duck”)

d.T: How about this mask? I have a riddle.It is an animal.It has four legs.It‟s white, lack or brown..It can run fast.You can ride on it.What mask is it?


1.a T: Do you like these masks? Now Halloween is coming soon.There’s a mask factory.They make animal masks for Halloween.They would like to know what animal people like most.Now I’m the investgator of this factory.(课件中呈现“调查表”)

b.T: Now I’ll use these sentences to do a survey.(指板书中的句型)T :Good afternoon!May I know your name? What animals do you like? Do you like red dogs?

Listen and guess.S: It‟s a horse..e.Talk about horses in pairs.“Do you like …? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.What do you like ?I like…”

S: Yes, we do.S: Good afternoon!

My name is…

I like dogs.Yes, I do./No, I don‟t

设计任务“调查表”,重点巩固新词和新句型,并进一步拓展句型”What animals do you like? I like...”.“Big or small? Big./Small.”让学生学有所用.教


内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学 调 整 What do you like ? Big or small?(在“调查”过程中填表)

e.T: Now you can go to streets to do a survey.Understand?

2.a.T: In this class, we‟ve learnt seven new words and new drills.And you can use them well.Now open your books ,turn to P.32.”Listen and repeat”.b.T :Now Look at P33.Can you use drills to practice Picture 1and 3 ?

c.T :Now Look at P34.Can you use drills to practice Picture 1? I like yellow dogs.Big./Small.c.读板书

What animals do you like? I like dogs.Do you like red dogs? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t What do you like ? I like yellow dogs.Big or small? Big./Small.d.Do a survey in pairs.f.DO a survey with new teachers.Listen and repeat the new words.Talk in pairs.Talk in pairs.d.Write the drills what they talked about.e.Correct.在“巩固”环节中,学生将口头练习和笔头训练相结合。促进学生听、说、读、写全面发展。


内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学 调 整

Step 4: Homework 1.Copy the words of Part B recite the words.2.Make dialogues with Part C and D in pairs.3.Finish the survey after class.4.Look,listen and learn Part A by yourself.5.Surf the Internet about “Halloween”.


牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 A new house 教后反思 一. 教学内容

本课内容是《牛津小学英语》是复习四个介词.本单元的核心教学内容是A部分的一半课文。要复习句子What's in/on/under/behind...? There's/There are some...二. 教学目标




(2)正确听、说、读、句型What's in/on/under/behind...? There's/There are some...They like the...very much.I live in a new house now.2、能力目标:






三. 过程解析

本课的学习任务是教授课文,课文的引入相对来说有一定的难度。本单元重点之一也是介词的运用,本课时又是第二课时,因此再引入新课前,我先复习了一下介词。利用我做学生说的形式,简单复习介词。接着出示一系列的图片组合,让学生结合句型What's in/on/under/behind...? There's/There are some...复习介词,为创造了一个良好的学习情境。在此基础上,运用chant操练句型,激发学生兴趣,提高课堂气氛,将学生很快带入英语课堂的紧张刺激有趣的氛围中去。但是其中也有不足之处,例如,学生对于复数的句型掌握情况并不是很好,应多加练习。而单数句型学生掌握较好,可以直接放手,这样就可以留出更多的时间,操练课文中的句子。

整节课中,我都始终围绕图片展开,让学生去观察。在进入新授的时候,我先利用一张漂亮的房子的图片引出Yang Ling's new house。并且,我能将长句、难句化整为零。如:Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house now.They like the new house very much.在这两个句子中,主要有两个难点、知识点:live in/parent(s),为了让学生能逐步掌握,我分解并整和了这两句话:Yang Ling and her parents like the new house very much.这样我就可以顺理成章地引出单词parent(s)。在教授该单词时,并用英语解释单词,提高学生的理解能力。接着像滚雪球一样,把该句分成三个词组,一点一点把长句带出来,即由词至词组,再由词组家词组,变成整个句子。然后同法教授They live in a new house now.利用这种方法,可以培养学生自主学习和阅读的能力。紧接着让学生带着问题听磁带,Where is Yang Ling's new house? 锻炼学生的听力能力。在教授There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms,a study, a kitchen,a dining-room and a large sitting-room.句子时。先出示图片,复习单词bedroom, bathroom, study, kitchen, dining-room, sitting-room.然后设下了一个带有悬念和争议的问题(How many rooms are there?),因为图片中有些浴室是在卧室里的,因此学生搞不清到底有多少房间,这样可以培养学生观察图片的能力。最后在教师的带领下,一起来数一数,顺便可以把课文中的句子教给学生,使学生在读课文时不至于感到有困难。最后,让学生先听录音,了解课文内容,后跟读进一步巩固课文内容,使知识和课文不脱节,目的性明确。




Unit3 At a Music lesson


教学目标: 1.认知目标:

(1)能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:lesson, sing, song, dance, play.能听懂,会说,会读: swim, skate, ski.(2)能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型: Can you„? Yes, I(we)can./ No, I(we)can’t.What can you do? I can „ 能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:OK.Let’s start.2.能力目标:



四会单词及句型Can you„? Yes, I(we)can./ No, I(we)can’t.What can you do? I can „。教学难点:

能理解并熟练地把句型运用到交际情景中去。教具准备:  多媒体课件 教学过程:

一.Free talk and revision 1)Greetings.2)Try to say something about your own bedroom.(show the picture)二.Presentation 1)T: Boys and girls, can you sing some English songs? S: Yes.T: You can say “ Yes, we can.” S: Yes, we can.T: What can you sing?(Show the songs)

出示单词: sing song S: 跟读。

T: What can you sing? S: “ABC song” , “ In the classroom”„ T: I can sing “AEIOU”, what can you sing? S: I can sing “ How are you?”

T: Good.Let’s sing “ How are you?” first.S: All right./ OK.T: Can you sing “We can sing and dance”? S: No, we can’t.2)T: Shall we learn the song “we can sing and dance” now? S: Yes.T: Listen to the song, please.S: OK.T:(Play the song.)S: Enjoy the song.T: Boys and girls, can you sing? S: Yes, we can.T: Can you dance?(教师以动作示意)S: Yes, we can.T: Can you swim? S: Yes, we can.T:(问单个学生)Can you swim? S: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.出示句型: Can you„? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.3)T: Can you ski? S: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.T: Can you skate? S: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.T: I can play the violin.What can you do? S: I can play the piano./ I can play the guitar.出示单词: swim, ski, skate , ride, play the guitar, play the violin 出示句型: What can you do? I can „ 三.Practice 1)Show the pictures ask and answer in pairs: I can „ What can you do?

I can „

2)Say a chant.出示: a music lesson 四.Consolidation 1)Look and listen to‘Part A’and try to understand it.五.Homework 1)Copy the words: lesson, sing, song, dance, play 2)Do some written work(Part C)


Unit 3 At a music lesson(Period 1)

Sing a song dance Can you „?

Swim skate ski Yes, I can./No, I can’t.Play the violin/guitar What can you do? I can „


Unit 2 In a toy shop 盐城市第二小学 周正荣 第1课时 教学内容:

A Read and say 前三幅图及B部分中的单词a cat ,a tiger , a lion, a rabbit.教学目标: 单词a rabbit要达到三会要求。a lion, a cat ,a tiger要达到四会要求。2 能够正确运用对话中所出现的日常交际用语,并能够对What’s this ? What’s that ?It’s a … This is … That’s …..,几个句型达到四会要求。教学过程:

STEP1、Free talk.1.Greetings.T: Good morning/ afternoon.Boys and girls.Ss: Good morning / afternoon Mr …


通过游戏“Touch and guess ”复习3A中学过的动物单词,并把其放入新授单词,在复习中学习新知。

STEP2、Presentation and practice.1.Learn the new words : a cat ,a tiger , a lion ,a rabbit.出示卡片 Touch and guess引出上面四个单词,逐一诵读,并对a cat 等进行拼写指导。

2.用This is …/That’s … 练说。

教师将动物玩具放于教室中的不同位置,靠近的用This is …远的用That’s …指导学生用This is …/That’s ….进行练说,巩固单词的同时复习this和that.3.Learn the new sentences.师利用玩具在讲台前布置一个玩具柜台,师用拇指指着头饰,向学生引出对话: What’s this ?/It’s a ….How lovely.并指导学生进行操练。(注:教师也可以利用图片在黑板上布置玩具柜台)。此处先引导学生用学过的It’s nice/pretty/smart等句子进行赞美,然后再引出句子How lovely.4.指名一生到板前,师指着背朝自己的小兔,并扮演老虎发问:

通过师生间对话引出第二组、第三组对话: What’s that ? It’s a rabbit.I see.This is a cat.I think.No ,It isn’t.It’s a tiger.5.Practice.a.Part work.师结合黑板上图片(或讲台前玩具柜,让学生分部分操练)b.Group work.四人一小组操练对话(利用自己课前准备的玩具)师巡回指导。STEP3、Short rest.Sing a song.《 How are you.》 STEP4、Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape.师出示背景图,生看图听录音并自己体会。2.Listen and repeat.再听课文录音,指名复述,再集体分角色复述。3.Read after the tape.4.Group work.四人一小组练习表演对话。对话表演时不必拘于课本,可根据实际随意合理组织。5.Act.指名板前表演。STEP5、Homework.1.1.Copy the new words.2.2.Listen to the tape.板书设计:

a cat Unit 2 In a toy shop.a tiger What’s this ? a lion What’s that ? It’s a … a rabbit This is a cat.I think

第2课时 教学内容:

A部分后面三幅图,并完成B,C部分。Sing a song.教学目标:

1. 单词a bear达到三会a dog ,a panda达到四会。

2. 能正确运用对话中的交际用语,并对This is /That’s my /your …达到四会要求。


STEP1、Warm up.1.Sing a song.《We are happy bees》

把本单元歌曲放两遍,让学生听感受,帮助他们加深对所学内容的印象。2.Free talk.师生间,学生间展开对话练习,综合以前所学较全面进行练说。3.Review.(1)指名拼写单词a cat ,a tiger.(2)Who’s missing ?采用抽取卡片形式进行操练。复习动物类单词。STEP2、Presentation and practice.1.介绍单词a dog , a panda , a bear.播放狗的叫声,让生猜 :What’s this?出示图片,a dog.引导学生拼读:dog ,d-o-g ,dog.单词拼读时要顺带帮助学生进行字母的认读复习。采用半遮住图片方式教学单词panda ,bear ,并要求学生拼读:panda ,p-a-n-d-a ,panda.2.介绍句型 : That’s a nice …/Yes ,The …is nice /Can I have a look?/ I’d like … Here you are /I like my /your …

教师利用图片在黑板上布置玩具柜台,指名一生到板前扮演售货员。介绍句型That’s a nice …/ Can I have a look及其答语。师扮David与售货员会话,引出句型That’s a nice monkey ,Can I have a look ? Sure.师引读,并采用Part work ,Group work.Pair work进行充分练说。练说不必拘于课本,应引导学生充分利用手中动物玩具拓展说话。介绍5,6两幅图句型。

师扮David买玩具:I’d like this panda ,please.从而引出答语Here you are及I like my panda.师引导学生利用手中玩具进 行购物练说:I’d like …首先教师与个别学生问答操练,然后放手通过Pair work.让学生充分练说。STEP3、Short rest.Sing a song.We are happy bees.STEP4、Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape.师生示背景图,让学生边听边体会对话。2.Listen and repeat.再听录音,指名复述。3.Read after the tape.4.Try to act.四人一小组练习表演对话,并指名板前表演。表演对话时教师可以引导学生充分合理地利用自己已有的知识扩充对话 内容,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。STEP5、学习C Ask and answer.1.师引导学生明白题意后,利用动物玩具或图片进行问答操练。(师问生答)2.Pair work.同桌间利用玩具相互练说What’s this /that? It’s a …师要注意避免明知故问情况,让学生半遮住发问物品。

STEP6、Sing a song.We are happy bees.1.师介绍单词bee ,并讲解歌曲大意,然后领读歌曲。2.学唱歌曲。听录音逐句跟唱。STEP7、Homework.1.听录音,朗读对话4遍。2.根据所学内容自编对话。板书设计:

Unit 2 In a toy shop.That’s a nice … a dog Can I have a look ? a panda I’d like this … a bear Here you are.第3课时 教学内容:


1.能够运用本单元日常交际用语进行交际。2.能正确区别,运用物主代词my ,your ,his ,her.3.通过听、读练习,体会d,f在单词中的发音。教学过程: STEP1、Warm up 1.Sing a song : We are happy bees.2.Free talk.充分利用本单元句型,结合学生文具,教室物品进行练说。STEP2、学习D Look and say.1.区别my ,your ,his ,her四个物主代词。

教师请男女同学到板前(请三位每人各拿一本书)教师拿自己书说my book ,拿起一同学书并对他说your book ,然后分别指另一男同学和另一女同学说His book ,her book.反复演示几遍后,让学生四人一小组操练。2.区别this和that.教师可利用两本书(一本女同学,一本是男同学)分别放近些,远一些。然后练说This is his book ,That’s her book.让学生区别this与that用法。3. 四人一组综合练说,进一步区别物主代词及this ,that用法。4.指名几组示范。STEP3、E Read and act.1.复2.习on ,in的用法及单词photo.对于介词on和in的用法,3.教师可利用直观方位展示帮助学生理解,4.如把书放在书包上或放在书包里去区别on和in.2.出示挂图,让学生对照图听课文。3.学生练说对话。4.练习表演对话。


在学生熟悉基础上,变换物品及方位,用on ,in替换练习对话表演。STEP4、F Listen and repeat.1.出示单词desk ,dog ,fat ,five.师生读单词体会发音。2.出示挂图句子,明白句子意思。

3.听录音,跟读,体会d/d/ f /f/ 的发音。

4.拓展练习。让学生自由回忆并说出,进行词汇的积累及反馈。回忆学过的有关这两个字母的单词,并逐一读读 STEP5、Short rest.Sing a song : We are happy bees.师可加上动作,带领生唱。STEP6、HOMEWORK: Copy the new words.a dog ,a cat ,a tiger ,a shop ,a desk ,a panda.板书设计:

Unit 2 In a toy shop.desk dog fat five

Your five fat dogs are on the desk.第4课时 教学内容:

G部分Look and read.Ask and guess及作业2。教学目标:


STEP1、Warm up.1.Sing a song : We are happy bees.2.Free talk.教师可为学生创设说的情境,让学生去说,培养学生的交际能力。结合本单元单词句型进行练说。STEP2、Look and read.出示挂图,让学生仔细观察,并反复朗读,了解故事内容。学生听读、体会其中趣味含义。生跟师读,同桌练说。STEP3、Ask and guess.教师先准备几个不同颜色的盒子,在里面分别放上动物图片。对照图,把游戏用语熟悉一下。游戏前先把游戏用语拎出让学生会说,明意后再进行游戏。师生游戏,在游戏过程中替换物品练习。STEP4、Practice.Copy sentences.1.What’s this ? It’s a rabbit.2.What’s that? It’s a cat 3.This is my dog.STEP5、Homework.15.1.抄写四会单词2遍。16.2.听课文录音四遍。


Ask and guess.A: I’d like a toy panda.B: I have one.In which box ? guess!A: The Green box ? B: Here you are.第5课时




STEP1、Warm up 1.Sing a song : We are happy bees.2.Say a rhyme : A little book.3.On duty.(让学生自由进行练说操练,师注意纠正)

4.Free talk.(此部分要引导学生主要围绕本单元交际用语进行拓展练习)师生间利用学过句型进行对话操练。(教师利用图片创设具体情境)STEP2、Review.1.利用Touch and guess进行单词复习。2.利用图片进行对话操练。


牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3教案